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Al Gore (D), Clinton's VP, lost the 2000 general election.

Walter Mondale (D), Carter's VP, lost the 1984 general election.

Hubert Humphrey (D), Johnson's VP, lost the 1968 general election.

Richard Nixon (R), Eisenhower's VP, lost the 1960 general election.

Henry A. Wallace (I), Roosevelt's 2nd VP, lost the 1948 general election.

Millard Fillmore ran for President once, in 1856 (he lost).

John C. Breckinridge (D), James Buchanan's V.P., lost the 1860 presidential election.

John Adams won in 1796 but lost in 1800.

Martin Van Buren won in 1836 but lost in 1840 and 1848.

Theodore Roosevelt won in 1904 but lost in 1912.

George H. W. Bush won in 1988 but lost in 1992.

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Q: Which vice presidents ran for president and lost?
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Three reasons why vice presidents have gone on to become presidents?

If the President dies in office, resigns his post, or is impeached and removed, the Vice President steps up to become President and complete the term.

How many men became president of the US without having been elected?

There have been nine Presidents who did not win a presidential election before becoming President including four who won presidential elections after becoming President. The Vice Presidents who replaced the first four Presidents to die in office never won a presidential election. The Vice Presidents who replaced the other four Presidents who died in office won re-election at the ends of the terms in which they assumed office. Gerald Ford, however, was appointed to the vice presidency after Vice President Agnew resigned in 1973, and he ascended to the presidency when President Nixon resigned in 1974. He ran for re-election in 1976 but lost to Jimmy Carter, so he never won either a presidential election OR a vice-presidential election.

How many vice presidents were presidential candidates?

Eight U. S. Vice Presidents were Presidential candidates while they were still Vice President:John Adams in 1796 (won, beating Thomas Jefferson)Thomas Jefferson in 1800 (won, beating John Adams)Martin Van Buren in 1836 (won, beating William Henry Harrison)John C. Breckinridge in 1860 (lost to Abraham Lincoln)Richard Nixon in 1960 (lost to John F. Kennedy)Hubert Humphrey in 1968 (lost to Richard Nixon)George H. W. Bush in 1988 (won, beating Michael Dukakis)Al Gore in 2000 (lost to George W. Bush)Of the nine Vice Presidents who ascended to the Presidency upon the death or resignation of the President, five ran in the next Presidential election:Theodore Roosevelt in 1904 (won, beating Alton Parker)Calvin Coolidge in 1924 (won, beating John W. Davis)Harry Truman in 1948 (won, narrowly defeating Thomas E. Dewey)Lyndon Johnson in 1964 (won, beating Barry Goldwater)Gerald Ford in 1976 (lost to Jimmy Carter)Two former Vice Presidents were major party candidates for President not while they were still Vice President or President but later:Richard Nixon in 1968 (won, beating V.P. Humphrey)Walter Mondale in 1984 (lost to Ronald Reagan)Four former Vice Presidents were third party candidates after having left office:Martin Van Buren was the Free Soil Party candidate in 1848.Millard Fillmore ran for the Know Nothing Party in 1856.Theodore Roosevelt ran for the Progressive Party in 1912 (he came in 2nd!)Henry A. Wallace ran for the Progressive Party in 1948.BTW, the U. S. Presidential Election of 2008 was the first one since 1952 in which neither of the two major-party candidates was either the incumbent president or the incumbent vice president!

Things that happened in 2000?

Texas Governor George W.Bush ran for president against vice president Al Gore.Gore won the popular vote but lost to governor Bush

Who ran for vice president of the US in 2009?


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What future president ran for Vice-president and lost?

Dick Chaney ran for Vice President and who is also our Vice President today.

What vice presidents ran for president and were not elected?

Incumbent Vice Presidents who lost their presidential elections were...John C. Breckinridge (1860)Richard M. Nixon (1960)Hubert H. Humphrey (1968)Al Gore (2000)(Although Nixon lost the 1960 election, he ran again and won eight years later.... His opponent was the incumbent Vice President.)

Which president was vice-president but did not attain the presidency due to the death of a president?

Vice-president Gerald Ford became President because President Nixon resigned his office. Vice-Presidents Thomas Jefferson and Martin Van Buren ran for President and were elected, Vice-president Richard Nixon ran for president and lost, but 8 years later ran again and was elected.

What presidents served but were not elected?

The only U.S. president who was never elected as president or vice president is Gerald Ford. He was a Congressman who was appointed to office. He ran for a second term, but lost to Jimmy Carter.

Who are five former vice presidents that ran for president since 1960 and lost?

The total number of former vice presidents (not counting incumbent vice presidents) who ran for president since 1960 is five: Lyndon Johnson in 1964, Richard Nixon in 1968 and 1972, Gerald Ford in 1976, Walter Mondale in 1984, and George H. W. Bush in 1992. Johnson won, and Nixon won both times. Ford and Mondale lost. Bush won when he was the incumbent vice president but lost when he was the incumbent president.Including both incumbents and former Vice Presidents, those who ran for President and lost since 1960 are...1960 - Richard Nixon (won in '68 & '72)1968 - Hubert Humphrey1976 - Gerald Ford (served as President from '74 to '77)1984 - Walter Mondale1992 - George H. W. Bush (won in '88)2000 - Al GoreNixon, Bush and Gore each had been Vice President for eight years. Humphrey and Mondale each had been Vice President for four years. Ford had been Vice President for about eight months.

What vice presidents were from Tennessee?

At the time they ran for Vice President, Tennessee was the home state of Andrew Johnson and Al Gore.

Who was defeated for vice president before he was elected president?

Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for vice-president in 1920 but lost. He was elected President in 1932,1936,1940 and 1944.

Which Vice Presidents served as President first?

14 - nine were vice-presidents that became president when the president died or resigned, and five served out their full terms as elected vice-president, then ran for president and won.

Three reasons why vice presidents have gone on to become presidents?

If the President dies in office, resigns his post, or is impeached and removed, the Vice President steps up to become President and complete the term.

Did 5 vice presidents become president in the 1900s?

Yes- They were Theodore Roosevelt, Coolidge, Truman. Lyndon Johnson and Ford. In addition, former vice-presidents Nixon and George H. W. Bush ran for president and were elected,

Who are two former vice presidents that ran for president and lost since 1960?

Walter Mondale in 1984 and Al Gore in 2000. Also, Richard Nixon in 1960, but he was later elected in 1968.

What vice president ran against Kennedy and lost?

Richard Nixon, who was eventually elected in 1968.