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Q: Which term describes a belief about the personal attributes of members of a group of people?
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A belief about the attributes of members of a group of people is called?

a stereotype

What are attributes interests and convictions apart of?

Attributes, interests, and convictions are aspects of an individual's personality and belief system. Attributes refer to personal characteristics or qualities, interests to activities or topics that hold one's attention, and convictions to deeply held beliefs or values. Together, they contribute to shaping a person's identity and how they perceive the world.

Compare and contrast of benefits belief attributes and cognition?

Beliefs are personal convictions or acceptance of something as true, while attributes are inherent qualities or characteristics. Cognition refers to mental processes like perception, reasoning, and memory. Beliefs shape our perspectives and behaviors, attributes define our characteristics, and cognition governs our thought processes and decision-making.

Attributes of atheism?

The only attribute of atheism is that we lack any belief in gods.

What is the personal cosmology in which objects are considered to be alive?

Personal cosmology that considers objects to be alive is often grounded in animism, a belief system that attributes a spiritual essence or life force to all things, including inanimate objects. This belief suggests that everything in the world, from rocks to trees to artifacts, possesses a soul or consciousness. Animism is found in various indigenous cultures and philosophies worldwide.

Is there a word that describes the belief in a God but not in religion?


Did Judaism believe in pantheism?

No. Judaism is founded upon the belief in One God, who has no physical attributes.

What does personal views mean?

A personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty. A message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof.

What does standing by your conviction mean?

Your conviction is a personal belief that you have about something, and standing by it means keeping to this personal belief instead of abandoning it when something tempts you.

What belief was the important feature of the Second Great Awakening?

a belief in personal responsibility for salvation

What belief was one important feature of the great awakening?

a belief in personal responsibility for salvation

What term describes the buddhist belief in an escape from suffering?
