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they went to Georgia,alabam,Tennessee,Kentucky,South Carolina and then finally to North Carolina that is the is the prosess of the Trail of Tears

they went to Georgia,alabam,Tennessee,Kentucky,South Carolina and then finally to North Carolina that is the is the prosess of the trail of tears

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∙ 13y ago
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∙ 10y ago

In 1838, the US government removed the Cherokee from their homes in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and North Carolina to camps in Tennessee and Alabama, and then moved them through various routes to Indian Territory in present day Oklahoma.

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∙ 13y ago

I'm no historian, but my best guess would be that it started with the Seminoles in Florida.

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Q: Which states were beginning and ending points of Trail of Tears?
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Which state were the beginning and ending points of the trail of tears from 1830 to 1840?


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Trail of Tears 1838?

The Trail of Tears relative to this specific year is the year that the Cherokee were moved, or the beginning of that move.

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The Cherokee were forced to march from Georgia.

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The Trail of Tears was a trail between nine states that was used to force the Native Americans from their lands.

What was the ''trail of tears''?

The Trail of Tears was a trail between nine states that was used to force the Native Americans from their lands.

What was the trail of tears-?

The Trail of Tears was a trail between nine states that was used to force the Native Americans from their lands.

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Brandon is the best ok....

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