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Q: Which star did the ancient Egyptians closely follow for agricultural reasons?
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What are two reasons the Nile river was important to the ancient Egyptians?

well for starters it gave the Egyptians knowledge and was a great source of transportation

Why did ancient Egyptians wear clothing?

For the same reasons people do so today. For protection and ornamentation.

Why did the ancient egyptians use heiroglyphics?

For many reasons. The main one being that they could be written on stone.

What did ancient Egyptians do with kohl?

Ancient egyptians used kohl for three reasons. it prevented eye infection they used it as eyeliner they beleived that wearing it around their eyes had something to do with the eye of horus ( horus was one of their gods, the son of osirus )

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For similar reasons the ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. For similar reasons people currently worship Allah, God, and other religious deities.

What were the reasons that ancient egyptians adopted their two calendar systems?

Their traditional calendar was aligned to the agricultural seasons. After Alexander the great took over Egypt, his Macedonian successors introduced a new calendar, modified later by the Romans as the Julian calendar. A modified Egyptian calendar has remained in use by the Coptic church and peasantry.

Why were tho gods on ancient egyptians so important to their society?

For exactly the same reasons that people who hold religious beliefs today think their god is important

What did ancient Egyptians eat on Thanksgiving?

Well, it wasn't turkey, for two reasons: 1. They didn't have any turkeys; that's strictly an American bird; 2. They didn't have any Thanksgiving; that's strictly an American holiday.

Why did ancient Egyptians create gods on the sides of the worship temples?

They put gods on the temples for specific reasons. It really depends on what god it is, though. If it was Anubis for example, it would to show good faith and hope in the embalming process.

What were some of the reasons why the Nile River was so valued by the Egyptians?

i dont know

Why do the Egyptians need a number system?

For the same reasons anyone needs one, for calculation and record.