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labels all of the preasent day united states and other areas had Thomas Jefferson never purchased the territory

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Q: Which on the map labels the area the us acquired in the Louisiana purchase?
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The area that is now Oklahoma was purchased by the US from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase?

The area that is now Oklahoma, east of the panhandle, was purchased by the US from France in the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. The panhandle was acquired following the Mexican-American War.

What did the explorers from Louisiana do?

Lewis and Clark explored the area acquired by the Louisiana purchase. They did this under the request of Thomas Jefferson. The goal of the exploration was to explore the area that the US had purchased, looking for resources and other things of interest to the country.

The US acquired an area of land form France What was this area called?


The US acquired an area of land from France what was it called?


What area did the Louisiana purchase cover?

The Louisiana Purchase covered the mid-west region of the United States.

Which small area was acquired in 1818?

gadsen purchase

The US thought that part or the purchase of Louisiana included a strip of land along the gulf of Mexico called the west?

The US believed that part of the Louisiana Purchase included the territory known as West Florida, which now comprises parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. This area was not part of the initial Louisiana Purchase but was later acquired by the US through diplomatic negotiations and treaties.

What was the land area of the Louisiana purchase?

The area is 820,000 square miles!

How did the Louisiana benefit the US?

Through the Louisiana Purchase the United States acquired an area more than 828,000 square miles, doubled the size of the United States and opened up the continent to its westward expansion and also provided access to the Mississippi River .

Where can one purchase Click'n'ship labels?

You can purchase click n ship labels at a united state postal service in your area. The price of them will determine on how many click n ship labels you will buy. 1000 labels could cost you around 45 U.S dollar.

How was the Louisiana purchase beneficial to the US?

Through the Louisiana Purchase the United States acquired an area more than 828,000 square miles, doubled the size of the United States and opened up the continent to its westward expansion and also provided access to the Mississippi River .

Who explored the area of the Louisiana Purchase for the US government?

Lewis and Clark