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The Wilmot Proviso

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Q: Which of these would have banned slavery in territories gained in the mexican american war?
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Was slavery banned in the Northwest Territories in 1787?


Did Mexico make slavery illegal or legal?

Mexico banned slavery. This enraged Texian ranchers (already slave owners), who sought to secede from Mexico. This sparked the Texas Revolution (1835-1836) and eventually, the Mexican-American War (1846-1848).

What did the Mexican government try to do to stop settlers from coming to its territory in Texas?

It banned slavery.

How did many abolitionists feel about the declaration of war on Mexico?

They were excited to the idea of winning all the territories west of Texas without adding them to the "slave states". This way of thinking promoted liberal thinkers led by David Wilmot to implement the Wilmot Proviso, a law that banned slavery in all territories acquired during the Mexican-American War, with the exception of Texas.Ultimately, such law was one of the major events that led to the American Civil War (1861-1865).

What was the wilmot proviso and how did it add to tensions between north and south?

The Wilmot Proviso, which was one one event that lead up to the American Civil War, would have banned slavery in new territories and land.

What is the law that set up the process of statehood that also banned slavery from the northern territories of the nation?

NW ordinance of 1787

What law banned slavery from the northern territories?

vag degresar - look it up on urban dictionary

What did the Mexican government ban to prevent settlers form coming to Texas?

They didn't; they just banned slavery in Mexico, which caused stir among Texans (they were slave owners). See related questions.

Why did Mexico pass the law in 1830?

Slavery is a nasty thing. Mexico's father of independence Miguel Hidalgo abolished it at the beginning of the struggle for Mexican independence (1810) but it was never officially put in any legal document until 1829; on 1830 it was approved by the Mexican congress and became a law throughout Mexico and its territories.

Why did Mexico hire empresarios?

When Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821, all the territories it possessed included Mexico, most of Central America (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica) as well as today's US States of California, Nevada, Utah, Texas and parts of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Wyoming. Due to the extremely low population for such territorial extension (estimated at 12 million during 1824), Mexico relaxed its immigration policies, thus allowing American settlers to help populate the northern territories.

What is the percentage of people that say slavery should be banned?

.....slavery IS banned......

What would the Wilmot Proviso do if it had passed?

..banned slavery in all the new territories acquired from Mexico.