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The Potomac River

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Q: Which of these rivers was not used by general grant in the union campaign in west during 1861 and 1862?
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What events caused US engineer Cyrus B Comstock to receive criticism during the Overland campaign?

During the Overland campaign, grant's chief engineer Cyrus B. Comstock, received severe criticism from General John Rawlings. Rawlings was Grant's chief of staff during the Overland campaign. He blamed Comstock for the series of often ill- prepared attacks on fortified Confederate positions in the Overland campaign.

Why did lords grant charter during the eleventh century?

To finance a campaign

What Union general did General US Grant appoint as the head of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac in 1864?

When General US Grant was set to begin the Overland campaign in 1864, he needed a reliable general to head the cavalry division of the Army of the Potomac. Grant chose General Philip Sheridan for this position.

How did the Union's Overland campaign help General Sherman's Atlanta campaign?

The 1864 Overland campaign was designed to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia, however, although Grant's assaults in Virginia cost the Union extremely heavy casualties and also created Confederate casualties, there was no decisive and major victories for the Union. Ultimately General Grant used a siege against Petersburg and Richmond. The heavy pressure that General Grant used against the Virginia Confederates, helped General Sherman's Atlanta campaign and his March to the Sea. With Lee outnumbered in Virginia, Grant's operations prevented any Rebel reinforcements to be sent to stop Sherman in the Deep South.

What war did general grant fight against Lee during the Wilderness Campaign?

The Battle of the Wilderness was the first battle in the Overland Campaign, which started in May 1864 and ended with the surrender of Lee at Appomattox in April 1865. It was a Union defeat, largely because Lee forced Grant to fight in thick forest, where his superior artillery could not be deployed.

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Rivers was not used by General Grant in the Union campaign in the West during 1861 and 1862?

The Ohio River was not used by General Grant in the Union campaign in the west.

Which of these rivers were used by General Grant in the Union campaign in the West during 1861 and 1862?

The Tennessee River and the Cumberland River were used by General Grant in the Union campaign.

Which of these rivers is not used by General Grant in the Union campaign in the West during 1861 and 1862?

The Tennesee and Cumberoland River.

What river was not used by General Grant in the Union campaign in the West during 1861 and 1862?

The Ohio River was not used by General Grant in the Union campaign in the west.

What general forced the Shenandoah valley campaign?

US General Grant forced the Shenandoah Valley campaign. Grant placed Major General Siegel in charge of the advance on the Shenandoah Valley campaign. Grant had no true confidence in Siegel and finally General Sheridan replaced Siegel and marched on the Valley.

What events caused US engineer Cyrus B Comstock to receive criticism during the Overland campaign?

During the Overland campaign, grant's chief engineer Cyrus B. Comstock, received severe criticism from General John Rawlings. Rawlings was Grant's chief of staff during the Overland campaign. He blamed Comstock for the series of often ill- prepared attacks on fortified Confederate positions in the Overland campaign.

This Northerner general was the one most responsible for taking the Mississippi River?

Ulysses S. Grant was the general who was responsible for taking the Mississippi River. During the Vicksburg Campaign, Grant gained control of the river, a major Confederate defeat. Grant and Confederate Lt. General Pemberton clashed in the Battle of Vicksburg.

Why did lords grant charter during the eleventh century?

To finance a campaign

What general led a union campaign through kentucky?

U.S. Grant, before he was famous.

Why did some lords grant charters during the eleventh century?

To finance a campaign

What Union general did General US Grant appoint as the head of the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac in 1864?

When General US Grant was set to begin the Overland campaign in 1864, he needed a reliable general to head the cavalry division of the Army of the Potomac. Grant chose General Philip Sheridan for this position.

How did the Union's Overland campaign help General Sherman's Atlanta campaign?

The 1864 Overland campaign was designed to destroy the Army of Northern Virginia, however, although Grant's assaults in Virginia cost the Union extremely heavy casualties and also created Confederate casualties, there was no decisive and major victories for the Union. Ultimately General Grant used a siege against Petersburg and Richmond. The heavy pressure that General Grant used against the Virginia Confederates, helped General Sherman's Atlanta campaign and his March to the Sea. With Lee outnumbered in Virginia, Grant's operations prevented any Rebel reinforcements to be sent to stop Sherman in the Deep South.