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Q: Which of these did the Ruhr Valley have large deposits of?
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What was Ruhr Valley?

a large area rich in mineral deposits

What valley is densely populated and contains large deposits of natural resources in Germany?

ruhr valley

What did the Ruhr Valley have a large deposit of?

The Ruhr Valley in Germany had a large deposit of coal, which played a significant role in the industrialization and economic development of the region.

Who was the ruhr valley?

The Ruhr Valley is a region in western Germany known for its rich deposits of coal and iron ore, which drove industrial development in the area. It became a major center for coal mining and steel production during the Industrial Revolution. Today, the Ruhr Valley is an important industrial and economic hub in Germany.

Is ruhr valley a part of Harappan civilization?

No, the Ruhr valley is in Germany, not Pakistan.

What did the Ruhr Valley have large deposit of?

The Ruhr Valley in Germany had a large deposit of coal, which drove the industrial growth of the region during the 19th and 20th centuries. This coal resource played a significant role in fueling the steel and iron industries in the area.

Where is the Ruhr?

The Ruhr is a river in Germany and the valley the river flows through is a region famous in the past for heavy industry e.g. iron, steel, coal mining. So in short it is both a river valley and a region in Germany. It also used to be the centre of the German arms industry. Heavy vehicles are still produced there. Major cities in the area include Essen, Dortmund, Bochum, Gelsenkirchen, Muehlheim and many smaller towns. The Ruhr flows into the Rhine at Ruhrort in Duisburg, which is one of Germany's biggest inland ports.

What countries would you find in the Ruhr valley?

The Ruhr Valley is located in Germany, specifically in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Therefore, the countries you would find in the Ruhr Valley are just Germany.

What valley is known as the 'Ruhr of India'?

The Damodar Valley

What is the largest valley in Europe?

The largest valley in Europe is the Ruhr Valley, The Ruhr valley is an urban area in North Rhine, Germany, with a population of 8 1/2 million.

What valley forms Germany's industrial heartland?

ruhr valley

Where is the industrial heart of Europe?

Ruhr Valley