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== == All of them would have had some familiarity with Ancient History.

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Q: Which of the many Founding Fathers studied the Roman Republic?
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What part did it play in the founding of the Roman republic accprding to the Romans?

It is not possible to answer this question. It does not specify what it is that was meant to have plaid a part on the founding of the republic.

Which legend explains the end of the roman monarchy and the founding of the republic?

The rape of Lucretia

Is it true or false that the republic of ancient Rome provided one model of government for the Americans?

The ancient Roman republic indeed provided a basic model of what became the United States republic. The Roman republic saw the value of balancing power between different sectors of its republic. It was certainly not a perfectly functioning government, however, dividing powers within the government was innovative to say the least. The American republic was a better one, however, the US Founding Fathers saw the value within the ancient Roman republic.

How did roman ruling influence American government?

Roman ruling only influenced the American government in the fact that both governments were republics. The American founding fathers certainly studied the Roman government, but could see its flaws and changed them considerably. Many people try to read similarities into the two governments where they do not and can not exist.

How many years passed between Rome?

ANSWER 582 years passed between theestablishment of the Roman Republic (509BC) and the Roman Empire (27BC), when the Roman Senate conceded to Octavian the title of "Augustus" with which he could exert also the religious authority, the proconsular power upon the Roman territories "not yet pacified" and the High Command of Roman National Army.

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Which ancient governments inspired the founding fathers the most?

The Founding Fathers of the US and later the Framers of the US Constitution looked at the structure of the ancient Roman Republic as a model for their idea of the new US republic. Flawed as it was, the Roman Republic had what can be termed a government structure where power was shared. The US Constitution created a central government where powers are shared. It has been said that the US republic was the first one after ancient Rome's republic.

When was the founding of the republic in rome?

The Roman republic was founded in 509 BC.

What lesson did framers learn from roman history?

The most important lesson the Framers or the Founding Fathers learned from ancient Roman history concerned the structure of a central government. The Roman Republic had many deficiencies, no question about that. However, the Roman system of dividing the powers of the central government, gave birth to the Framer's "balance of powers" concept in the American Republic.

What lesson did framers learn from Roman history the Constitution?

The Founding Fathers saw the collapse of Rome's republic as a warning they learned that no republic could survive unless its citizens remained independent and devoted to public services. they also learned that Rome once had Dictatorship. Today historians admit that the Founding Fathers somewhat exaggerated the virtues of Rome's republic. Yet, the lessons they learned still have force.

What are the landforms of Dominica?

* more than 70 percent of whom belonged to religious orders * Roman Catholicism is the official religion of the Dominican Republic * Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, one of the founding fathers of the Dominican Republic. * Juan Pablo Duarte, one of the founding fathers of the Dominican Republic. * Ramón Matías Mella, one of the founding fathers of the Dominican Republic * Saint Dominic is the founding father * * Pedro Florentino, hero of the Battle of Jacuba in the War of Independence from Haiti * islanders practice Santería or hold beliefs in witchcraft * 90% are Roman catholics* People respected the advice of their local priest, or their bishop, with regard to religious matters

What part did it play in the founding of the Roman republic accprding to the Romans?

It is not possible to answer this question. It does not specify what it is that was meant to have plaid a part on the founding of the republic.

The traditional date for the founding of the roman republic is?

504 BC

Why is 509 BCE an important date roman history?

It was the reputed year of founding of the Roman Republic.

What is the tradidional date given for the founding of the Roman Republic?

509 bc

Who influnced the idea of checks and balances?

Montesquieu, he was cited more times by the Founding Fathers than any other source except the Bible. His model was based on the Roman Republic and the British constitutional system.

Which legend explains the end of the roman monarchy and the founding of the republic?

The rape of Lucretia

Is it true or false that the republic of ancient Rome provided one model of government for the Americans?

The ancient Roman republic indeed provided a basic model of what became the United States republic. The Roman republic saw the value of balancing power between different sectors of its republic. It was certainly not a perfectly functioning government, however, dividing powers within the government was innovative to say the least. The American republic was a better one, however, the US Founding Fathers saw the value within the ancient Roman republic.