i think to eventually takeover the world. Correct me if i am wrong.
the creation of national assembly
No, Napoleon had two eyes.
His one famous quotes of Napoleon was AN ARMY MARCHES ON ITS STOMACH.
No one can think of Napoleon or the times he lived in as boring.
Walking on the moon was not one of Napoleon's activities.
the establishment of the directory
i think to eventually takeover the world. Correct me if i am wrong.
the creation of national assembly
the creation of national assembly
Thanks to his accomplishments as a legislator, administrator and ruler, France achieved prosperity and social appeasement.
Rose Park's accomplishments was that she followed her own in did her own while not following anyone Else Rosa parks is a example of life
she made no accomplishments
Depends on which one you are talking about, but Napoleon Bonaparte was the real Napoleon.
Go to Amazon.com and search on the following: Vivat in Aeternum - Nicolas Roze
No, Napoleon had two eyes.
Walking on the moon was not one of Napoleon's activities.