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European leaders began trying to create a balance of power on the continent.

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Q: Which of the following describes a long-term impact of the Napoleonic Wars on Europe?
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which of the following describes a long term impact of the napoleonic wars on europe?

European leaders began trying to create a balance of power on the continent

Which of the following terms describes the spread of influenza across Europe after the war?

The term that describes the spread of influenza across Europe after the war is "Spanish flu."

What was the name of the war Napoleon was in with Europe?

The Napoleonic Wars.

What was the years of Napoleon referred to in Europe?

Napoleonic Era

What following best describes an impact of the Napoleonic Wars?

Answer this question… European leaders created a strategy to prevent any one country from dominating Europe again.

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What is the historical significance of the Napoleonic code?

The Napoleonic Code influenced the law systems of many other nations around Europe and the United States.

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The Seven years war

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The Napoleonic wars and French revolution impacted the industrialization of the Continental Europe. The disrupted the economy by halting trade and interrupting communications.

How did the Napoleonic wars affect the development in industry in Europe?

The Napoleonic wars affected the development of industry in Europe by halting trade and communication, as well as disrupting the economy because most energy was redirected to war.

How did the Napoleonic wars affect the development of industry Europe?

The Napoleonic wars affected the development of industry in Europe by halting trade and communication, as well as disrupting the economy because most energy was redirected to war.