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buying a video game

taking out a loan to buy a house

getting a prescription filled

filling a car's gas tank

all of them

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9y ago
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Lvl 5
1y ago

If this is the APEX question then the answer is:

A.Investing in gold coins

B.Taking a shower

C.Turning on a light

D.Buying a pair of pants

You would pick all of them, since all of them are correct.

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10y ago

Examples of actions that affect the rest of the world in some way are good moral behaviors, proper care of the environment, and advancements in medicine.

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jasmine Stucker

Lvl 2
2y ago

Filling a cars gas tank

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Q: Which of the following are examples of actions that affcet the rest to the world in some way?
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What are examples of actions that affect the rest of the world in some way?

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What are examples of actions that affects the rest of the world in some way?

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Read page 28 in the bookour nation that is used by fifth graders and by theway im trying to find an answer to this question too!