The hostage situation in Iran and the failed rescue attempt was a serious embarrassment for the Carter administration.The Iranian hostage crisis. Apex :)
human right
The name "Iran Hostage Crisis" implies that there were hostages held by the Iranian government and this holding of hostages fomented a crisis.
The Iran hostage crisis lasted 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981.
The hostage situation in Iran and the failed rescue attempt was a serious embarrassment for the Carter administration.The Iranian hostage crisis. Apex :)
The hostage situation in Iran and the failed rescue attempt was a serious embarrassment for the Carter administration.The Iranian hostage crisis. Apex :)
human right
cakei dont know
Iranian Hostage Crisis
The Iranian hostage crisis!
the iranian hostage crisis
The name "Iran Hostage Crisis" implies that there were hostages held by the Iranian government and this holding of hostages fomented a crisis.
The Iran hostage crisis lasted 444 days from November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981.
He looked weak and ineffective. *APEX*
The Iranian hostage crisis!