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By tonnage The oasis of the seas by length the oasis of the seas. so cruise ship but a nimitz class could easily destroy a cruise ship

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Q: Which is bigger a Nimitz-Class aircraft carrier or a cruise ship?
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Do aircraft carriers have portholes?

Hell no! It's a warship, not a cruise ship!!

Is the ship The Poseidon bigger than The Titanic?

The Poseidon of course, was a fictional ship in the movie The Poseidon Adventure. The film makers used the RMS Queen Mary as a "stand in" or backdrop for the film. The RMS Queen Mary is 1,194 feet LOA (length overall) and the RMS Titanic was 882 LOA. So one could argue that although fictional, the portrayal of the Poseidon by the Queen Mary made it longer than the real Titanic.

Are aircraft carriers always escorted by battleships and destroyers?

In terms of an absolute always, no. In fact, battleships no longer exist in active use as part of any world navy. Is it sound naval doctrine to escort aircraft carriers? Absolutely. Aircraft carriers are primarily engaged in strike warfare--long-range assaults on enemy formations and land targets. However, they face significant threats from enemy ships, submarines, and cruise missiles. Destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and other escorts form part of the protective 'shield' around fleet carriers, because with their planes carriers are basically floating targets, lightly armed and easily damaged. Prior to World War Two, it was assumed by most tacticians that battleships would figure significantly into a decisive "Mahanian" fleet engagement. However, engagements such as the Battle of Midway, the Battle of the Coral Sea, and the sinking of the Bismarck proved that Battleships were becoming obsolete as independent units. The age of the carrier had come. Battleships, then, were reassigned for Naval Gunfire Support and as carrier escorts, primarily in an antiair role. Destroyers have always provided a primarily escorting role. The name 'destroyer' is actually a shortened version of Torpedo Boat Destroyer, a ship designed specifically to counter fast, torpedo-armed combatants that attacked larger ships in packs. Destroyers have become uniquely adapted to hunting enemy submarines (a huge threat to carriers during and since WWII) and, in the modern age, defending against cruise missile/air attack. The modern Carrier Battle Group acts as both protection for the carrier and its invaluable aircraft and as added firepower in the strike role. Carriers are worth so much, in both literal cost and military importance, that they must be protected.

How do you make a nuclear missile?

Take a rocket and put a nuclear warhead/bomb in its payload, instead of a satellite or humans. This produces a nuclear ICBM.Shorter range rockets or unmanned jets aircraft called cruise missiles can also be used.

How much fuel does an aircraft carrier have?

Modern nuclear aircraft carriers (of which both the US and France have deployed) are powered by 2 nuclear reactors. In general, they have enough nuclear fuel rods on board to keep running for about 20-25 years. However, many other aircraft carriers are conventionally powered, and run on ordinary fuel oil. The amount of fuel oil on board varies widely, though most have a minimum range of 10,000 nm at a standard cruising speed. Long-range "fleet" carriers of world war two (the USS Essex class being the best example) typically had enough fuel oil to cruise at 15 knots (half of top speed) for around 20,000 nm. In addition to fuel for the ship itself (for propulsion and to generate power to run the ship's equipment), all aircraft carriers need to carry avgas for the aviation units. Once again, the amount varies by the size, design, and era of the carrier, and is generally tailored to meet the fuel consumption requirements for the expected aircraft carried. The USN Nimitz class, for example, carries around 3 million gallons of aviation gas, which gives it somewhere around two weeks of continuous air operations.

Related questions

How many types of ships are there?

some types of ships are: ferry cruise ship frigate destroyer aircraft carrier

What were The Battle of Midway casualties on both sides?

Allies: 307 people killed One Aircraft Carrier One Destroyer 145 Aircraft Axis: Approximately 2,500 killed Four Aircraft Carriers One heavy cruise 228 Aircraft

How many LSO's per carrier?

It depends on the size of the carrier and its operational requirements. Typically, larger aircraft carriers may have around 4-6 Landing Signal Officers (LSOs) to assist with the safe and efficient recovery of aircraft during carrier landings. However, the exact number can vary.

What weighs million tonnes?

A cruise ship, an aircraft carrier, or a large commercial airplane can weigh millions of tonnes. Additionally, large buildings or structures made of concrete and steel can also weigh millions of tonnes.

What does a navy destroyer do?

Destroyers (and destroyer escorts) are the workhorses of the navy. They are designed to attack both sea and shore targets. Destroyers provide screening support for an aircraft carrier group. They have anti-submarine (ASW) and anti-aircraft capabilities. The largest can carry helicopters and some can launch cruise missiles.

Do aircraft carriers have portholes?

Hell no! It's a warship, not a cruise ship!!

Where can one purchase Bermuda Cruise Deals?

Finding a good cruise ship deal to the island of Bermuda is a matter of finding the right cruise carrier. Among the best are Royal Caribbean and Norwegian Cruise Line.

What is the Airbus A380 cruise altitude?

35,000ft (A380-800, initial cruise altitude). The service ceiling (maximum altitude) of this aircraft is 43,000 ft.

How fast is a cruise liner?

The Nimitz Class Carrier is rated at 30 or more nautical hour.

How big is a cruise ship rudder?

Bigger than the average bear . . . bigger than a bread box.

What is normal cruise speed for Airbus 330 aircraft?

The A330 has many variants of different weights and engines. Most cruise at around 900 km/hr.

Does haevy object always sink?

No. Cruise ships and aircraft carriers float very nicely.