John Adams, Sr. was the name of the father of President John Adams. John Quincy Adams was John Adams' son.
The person who said this statement was John Adams.
John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
Benjamin Franklin and John Adams
John Adams was the son of John Adams and Susanna Adams. A link can be found below.
This has been true as soon as John Quincy Adams was born, and is true to this year, 2012.
I can not find any record that Adams made such a statement and I can not think of what might have prompted him to make such a statement even though I think he would probably agree that it is true.
that his name was John Adams
Benjamin Franklin Roger Sherman Robert Livingston Thomas Jefferson John Adams
First presidant to live in White House.
False is my answer. The term originated years after Adams died.
i dont know maybe
His opponent in the election became vice president.
He served one four term as president of the united states...
Francis G Adams was related to neither John Adams or John Q adams but John Adams and John Q Adams are father and son father=John Adams son=John Q Adams
John Quincy Adams was the eldest son of John Adams.