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A change in fashion to reflect African heritage

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Oma O'Reilly

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Q: Which influence came from the Black Power movement?
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Which culture influence came from the black power?

A change in fashion to reflect African heritage

How did the civil rights movement affect the gay rights movement?

The language of the civil rights movement has been used to fight the opposition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights. The civil rights movement did not directly affect the gay rights movement, but it did influence some on how they could make their secret open and accepted by others. This eventually became known as Gay Liberation. It may sound similar to Women Liberation, the movement where women wanted rights to vote, get abortions, and have the same pay as men. Another term, Gay Power, originally came from the term Black Power which was part of the civil rights movement.

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No, he came under the banner of a movement= NDSV ' National Movement Simeon the 2nd'

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Probably because Egypt came under the British sphere of influence, whereas KSA came under the US sphere of influence.

What movement came about as a direct result of the work by painter Edouard Manet?

I would call it an indirect influence, but still, Impressionism.

What was the Mississippi used for?

throwing black people until the 1960s when black people came to power

Why is black power called black power?

This term came into use in the civil rights era, a time when a number of young black men and women were frustrated with the slow pace of integration and wanted a more proactive response to racism. The expression "Black power" first was used around 1966. It referred to black people taking back the power from white people by becoming more influential in society: some people in the movement were more militant than others, but the general idea of the movement was to advocate from a position of strength, to speak up about racism, and to refuse to accept being treated as second-class citizens any longer.

When is the slogan black power used for the first time?

The slogan "Black Power" was popularized by Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) and Willie Ricks during the civil rights movement in the United States in the 1960s. It gained widespread attention during the March Against Fear in 1966 as a call for empowerment and self-determination for Black Americans.

Why Spain came to the New World?

the three G's:Gold, to get richGod, to spread ChristianityGlory, to extend influence and power

Which two groups were the strongest enemies of the New Republic before the Nazis came to power?

Mexicans an black power

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