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Q: Which immigrants brought pasta to Uruguay?
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What kind of people live in Uruguay?

Immigrants from Great Britain Italy and germany

How was Marco Polo instrumental in bringing pasta to Italy?

During Marco Polo's expeditions to where we now call Asia, Marco Polo is reknown for introducing Italy to spaghetti (originally from China) from which the Italians developed their own variations and production techniques

What was the reason that native born Americans felt more threatened by the new immigrants than they had the old immigrants?

the new immigrants brought different cultures and languages

Why did native born Americans perceive the new immigrants as a greater threat than old immigrants?

The "new" immigrants brought different cultures and languages.

What was one reason that the native born Americans felt more threatened by the new immigrants than they had by the old immigrants?

the new immigrants brought different cultures and languages

Related questions

Facts about pasta?

Pasta is low in cholesterol. Pasta was invented in China and brought to Italy by Marco Polo.

What group of immigrants brought Halloween celebration to America?

European immigrants brought the celebration of Halloween to America.

When did Uruguay start to speak spanish?

When Spain invaded Uruguay in the 17th Century, they brought the Spanish language with them.

What kind of people live in Uruguay?

Immigrants from Great Britain Italy and germany

What are foods of Uruguay?

The most common food eaten in Uruguay is pasta. Other dishes include asado which is a beef dish which is grilled and chivito which is a steak sandwich.

What is Uruguay's national food?

The national food of Uruguay is asado. This is a type of beef that is barbecued over hot coals. Pasta is also a common food served in this country.

Which colony contained the most French immigrants?

French Uruguay probably had the most French immigrants, though Louisiana and Canada also had large populations.

Who brought pasta from china to America?

the chienese originally found pasta 1st and then it was sent out 2 Italy

What was brought to japan by Korean immigrants?


How did pinapple come to Hawaii?

Brought by immigrants.

Why does Italy have the custom of pasta?

Marco Polo brought it from China.

Who brought dried pasta to Italy?

Italy is well known for their delicious pasta delicacy, but this is not a cultural food of Italians. In the 13th century, Marco Polo brought the Asian noodles from China to Italy and that was the time Italians adapt the noodles as their own pasta.