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The antifederalists wanted to give more power to the states rather than the federal government. The federalists, on the other hand, wanted an extremely powerful, strong central government. They finally compromised on a constitution when the Bill of Rights were drafted, guaranteeing certain powers to the people and the states.

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Q: Which group wanted the states to have more power?
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Southern states, such as Georgia and South Carolina, wanted slaves to be counted as part of the population when determining taxes. This would give them more representation in the government and more political power.

Should the federal government be powerful and active as Hamilton wanted or weaker to allow more power to states and individuals as Jefferson wanted?

Hamilton's. He wanted a strong central government lead by the rich and Jefferson wanted strong states with local governments.

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If by "government" you mean "federal government" then they wanted the Congress to have the most power because it gave more power to states through direct representation. If by "government" you mean "any government in the United States", then they wanted the states to have more power, similarly to the Articles of Confederation, the States' rights movements of the 1800s, and later the Confederate States of America

What side did federalist and antifederalist take on constitution?

What side did the federalists and antifederalists take on the constitution?

federalist were for the gov't to have more power and the anti-federalist wanted the states to have more power than the gov't.

What group supported the adoption of the Constitution and wanted a closer union of states and a more effective central government?

The Federalists

Why did some states want to leave the union?

It's because they wanted to be independent and wanted more power.

Why did Greek city-states fight so often?

cuz they wanted power and fame

Who were the anti- federalists and what did they believe?

The Anti-Federalists like a weak government and wanted more power with the states. They were against ratification. They also were in favor of adding a Bill of Rights.

What key difference between the north and the south led to the civil war?

The Civil War was really all about slavery. The South wanted slavery to continue, and generally the North wanted slavery to end. However, from the South's point of view the Civil War was all about states rights versus federal government rights. The South wanted the states to have more rights and therefore more power than the federal government. The North generally wanted the federal government to have more rights and therefore more power than the states.

Leader of the nationalist movement in the US in 1780?

Alexander Hamilton (leader of the federalist government who wanted more federal power and less states power)