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Q: Which festival celebrates the slaves being freed from Egypt?
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Which feastival celebrates the slaves being freed from Egypt?


What does the holiday of Passover celebrate?

It celebrates the birth of the Jewish nation. =)it is the celebration of the Jews being freed from being slaves in Egypt

What was the first slave state to free the slaves?

It is largely believed to be Illinois, being where Abe lived.

Who built the pyramid of egypt?

They were built by slaves and craftsmen, who were ordered by the overseer of works under the instructions of the Pharaoh for whom the pyramid was being built.Aliens

What were the Israelis dressing during the exodus?

As they wre slaves in Egypt for many centuries , they may not have had many clothes and to wear sandals being a slave was not there as well.

Did moses like having slaves to do everything?

Slaves were a fact of life and not to be " liked" or " disliked" but just a part of life. Many slaves became slaves as part of war, so they were seen as one of the outcomes of being on the wrong side. As a royal son in Egypt Moses would not have thought about the slaves very much until God called on him to free the people of Israel.

What was queen Cleopatra's domestic policy?

Queen Cleopatra was a good person from Acient Egypt She freed many slaves while she also known for being the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt before it was claimed by the Roman empire

Was it boring being a slave in ancient Egypt?

it was kind of boring but Slaves always wanted to be freed. So They try to work so hard. it was a hard job.

What did Egyptian slaves carry on their shoulders?

Egyptian slaves carried luggage, and burdens on their shoulders.

Why is pesach important to Jews and christians?

For the Jews its important, because that's when they got freed from being slaves under the Pharaoh in Egypt 3000 years ago for over 200.

Will Emma Watson visit Egypt?

yes, she has said that she will visit egypt on april 22, 2014 due their being a movie festival called "Ehtefal al Ajnabi" Im not sure what it is because I dont speak arabic but it is a festival celebrating foreign movies. she has also said that she will be staying at the 4 seasons hotel because her cousin owns the chain of hotels

Which city in japan celebrates the nanakusa festival?

The Nanakusa (or, as is more usual, Nanagusa) festival is celebrated (or, more properly, marked) throughout Japan (on 7 January) these days, though, it being a not-particularly-important festival, not by everyone every year.The festival involves eating a dish made with 7 (i.e., nana) herbs or grasses (i.e., kusa or gusa).A similar festival is held in the autumn; similar festivals also occur in China, Vietnam, and other countries heavily influenced by Chinese culture.