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Tariffs were raised. CAUSED manufacturers' sales overseas declined

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Q: Which diagram shows how tariffs contributed to the Great Depression?
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What was a benefit and a cost of tariffs during the Great Depression?

i have no clue

What was the combined with the market crash of 1929 caused the Great Depression?

High tariffs

Was a primary cause of the Great Depression?

High tariffs discouraged international trade.

What trade policy worsened the global economy prior to the Great Depression?

Tariffs :)

What are the background causes of the Great Depression?

overspeculation, expansion of credit, debt, high tariffs

What major event led to the end of nearly all protective tariffs in the US?

the great depression

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the great depression.

Which factor contributed to the spread of the great depression oversea?

rationed supplies

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Which combination of factors contributed most to the start of the Great Depression of the 1930's?

How did Jacksons Specie Circular of 1836 affect the economy of the us?

contributed to the great depression It contributed to the depression of 1837.

What is the Great Depression causes?

The Stock Market crash, structural weakness of the economy, overproduction, misdistribution of wealth and an international crisis contributed to the Great Depression in the United States.

What is the great depression.?

The Stock Market crash, structural weakness of the economy, overproduction, misdistribution of wealth and an international crisis contributed to the Great Depression in the United States.