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The mediterranean sea!

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Q: Which body of water contributed most to the spread of the Ottoman Empire?
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How did the geography of Istanbul contribute to the spread of the Ottoman Empire?

the military strategies they went for trade routes on water and weak cities

What was the outcome of the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople?

Europeans began to search for a water-based trade route to Asia. APEX;)

When in the late 19th century many cities did not have adequate water and sewage systems. This contributed most to?

The spread of disease

Was a result of the Ottoman Empire's conquest of Constantinople?

europeans began to search for a water based trade route to Asia

Who was the conqueror of Constantinople?

The Fall of Constantinople was the capture of Constantinople of the Byzantine Empire which occurred after a siege laid by the Ottoman Empire, under the command of Sultan Mehmet II El-Fatih.

What would have happened if Germany succeeded in taking over the Dardanelle Straits?

During World War I, Germany did in fact control the Dardanelles Strait, if only through its ally, the Ottoman Empire. Control of this narrow strip of water and surrounding areas was crucial for Germany and the Ottoman Empire in their attempt to prevent a link-up between the Allies through the heart of the Ottoman Empire itself.

What best describes a reason why the Ottoman Empire dominated trade in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries?

The Ottoman Empire controlled the land trade-routes between East Asia and Europe. As a result, it was able to dominate trade until the Europeans circumvented Ottoman-controlled lands by finding an all-water route to East Asia in the sixteenth century.

Peter the great's foreign policy goal a. destruction of the ottoman empire b.control of English channel c.creating alliance with Louis xiv d.capture of constantinople e.access to year round water port?

the answer is e.

Why did the water in Jamestown make colonists sick?

The water in Jamestown was contaminated with pathogens from human waste that caused diseases like dysentery and typhoid fever. Poor sanitation practices in the settlement contributed to the spread of these waterborne illnesses among the colonists.

Narrow body of water separating turkey from Europe?

Black Sea

Why does water spread when it falls on the grounds?

because its water it has to spread plus its a liquid

What aspect of the life of the Bedouins prepared them for role as warriors in the spread of the Muslim empire?

They had to defend themselves against raids by other clans who wanted water, livestock, or food supplies.