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In 1774, there were two separate acts that closed Boston Harbor and that placed the government of Massachusetts under British control. These were two of the five Restraining Acts that were known alternately by the British as the Coercive Acts and by the American colonists as the Intolerable Acts.1

The Boston Port Act was introduced on March 18, 1774, and passed on June 1, 1774, to compel Boston to reimburse the East India Company for the tea that was destroyed during the Boston Tea Party.1, 2 The Massachusetts Government Act was passed on May 20, 1774, to punish Massachusetts for its "errant behavior," by limiting its self government.3

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The act that closed the Boston Harbor was the Boston Tea Party. This act was a revolt by the Americans against the British for taxes in 1773.

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The Boston Port Act, it said that the Colonists could not trade until the damage done to the tea from the Boston Tea Party was paid for.

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the Intolerable Acts

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intolerable acts

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Q: Which act closed Boston Harbor and placed the government of Massachusetts under British control?
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