3. Thomas JefferSON 4. James MadiSON 7. Andrew JackSON
9. William Henry HarrisSON 17. Andrew JohnSON 23. Benjamin HarrisSON
28. Woodrow WilSON 36. Lyndon JohnSON
8 presidents
US Presidents with the same last name were:John Adams and John Quincy Adams (father and son)Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt (distant cousins)George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush (father and son)
According to babynames.com the last name Powell means "Son of Howell" The name is Walsh.
son of Jack
"son of Gilbert"
it means son of a preacher
The last name of the father and son presidents is Bush.
There were two: * John Adams, 1797-1801 * John Quincy Adams, 1825-1829
goku's last name is son but in japan last name is said first (example: Son Goku,Son Gohan)
its Son Chichi. son is her last name
Marquez means son of Marcos. The meaning comes from how the last name ends -ez. Ez means "son of." For example, Gonsalez, means son of gozalo, Martinez, means son of Martin. See related Link below.
Marquez means son of Marcos. The meaning comes from how the last name ends -ez. Ez means "son of." For example, Gonsalez, means son of gozalo, Martinez, means son of Martin. See related Link below.
Jackson, Peterson, Jamison
the last name wright means gods son or in Spanish demons son
His son's last name is McKeehan, because that is Toby's last name as well. TobyMac's real name is Kevin (Toby) McKeehan...
I gave my son my last name. Now the father wants me to change the last name to his. Can the court require me to do change it?
US Presidents with the same last name were:John Adams and John Quincy Adams (father and son)Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt (distant cousins)George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush (father and son)
Icelanders usually have the traditional last name, which is the father's first name and then 'dóttir' (meaning 'daughter') or son is added to the end. Example: If the father's name is Jón and he has a son, his son's last name would be Jónsson meaning Jón's son. If Jón has a daughter, her last name would be Jónsdóttir, meaning Jón's daughter.