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There were many different ships involved in the Apollo recovery missions; however the Primary Recovery Ships were:

Apollo-Saturn 7 (AS-7) - October 11-22, 1968 - USS Essex

Apollo-Saturn 8 (AS-8) - December 21-27, 1968 - USS Yorktown

Apollo-Saturn 9 (AS-9) - March 3-13, 1969 - USS Guadalcanal

Apollo-Saturn 10 (AS-10) - May 18-26, 1969 - USS Princeton

Apollo-Saturn 11 (AS-11) - July 16-24, 1969 - USS Hornet

Apollo-Saturn 12 (AS-12) - November 14-24, 1969 - USS Hornet

Apollo-Saturn 13 (AS-13) - April 11-17, 1970 - USS Iwo Jima

Apollo-Saturn 14 (AS-14) - January 31-February 9, 1971 - USS New Orleans

Apollo-Saturn 15 (AS-15) - July 26-August 7, 1971 - USS Okinawa

Apollo-Saturn 16 (AS-16) - April 16-27, 1972 - USS Ticonderoga

Apollo-Saturn 17 (AS-17) - December 7-19, 1972 - USS Ticonderoga

Source: NASA - link below

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Q: Which U.S. Navy aircraft carrier recovered the Apollo capsule and its crew after splashdown?
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