The Indian City of Ayodhya was known as Saket during ancient times. It means the place where God lives. It is important in the Hindu religion.
The Indian social structure was divided into castes of rulers and priests, warriors, merchants and slaves from very ancient times.
During ancient times, goods traded on the Indian Ocean included spices, silk, textiles, precious stones, ivory, and metals like gold and silver.
they were called habbabu
The Erythraean Sea is an ancient name for the Indian Ocean or its attached gulfs, specifically, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.
Gaul was the name of France in ancient times.
The Indian social structure was divided into castes of rulers and priests, warriors, merchants and slaves from very ancient times.
They had to be when in the ancient times they had some monks of oriental descent from the in the to disappear in the times of trouble for the indian people sanskrit. Eastern descent from the ancient times when a few monks in times of trouble for the Indian people of Sanskrit did not exist.
In ancient times, one of the strongest acids known was vinegar, which contains acetic acid. Other strong acids like sulfuric acid were not discovered until more modern times.
Not yet known, we don't really know if they did play this sport in ancient times.
Lead has been known from ancient times and thus nobody knows who first discovered it.
Lebanon was known for its ancient cedars. Found in my History book, ''History of the World''.
Some of the elements discovered before 1766 include carbon (discovered in ancient times), copper (known since prehistoric times), iron (also known since ancient times), sulfur (known since antiquity), and zinc (used in ancient times as well).
they were called habbabu