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The US flag incorporates and has developed from the Union flag

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Q: Which American flag features the union flag?
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Related questions

Was the American union flag just the American flag?

No. There are many American flags. Each country has its own. The union flag became what is today the US flag.

Where is the union on the American flag?

The union is the stars.

Is the American flag the union flag?

No, the union flag is the British flag.The very first American flag included a union flag in the upper hoist canton, along with the thirteen stripes, this flag was named the Grand Union Flag. (This flag is the same as the British East India company flag, pre 1801.)There can be some confusion around this topic. In common American English use, the term "the Union" refers to the Northern States (i.e. the states remaining in the United States) during the American Civil War. As such, any reference in that context to a "Union Flag" means the American Flag (as flow at the time). "Union Flag" was not some specific design of flag, but was the American Flag.Outside the context of the American Civil War, the term Union Flag refers to the design of the Union Jack flag, the current flag of the United Kingdom (i.e. Great Britain, or, formally, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

Is the unuon flag the same as the American flag?

No, the Union Flag is the flag of the United Kingdom. The American flag is sometimes known as the Stars and Stripes

What was the color of the union flag?

The color of the Union flag was red, white, and blue. It looks similar to the modern American flag.

Which American state has a British union flag as part of its flag?


Was the Union flag used as a battle symbol at any time during World War ll?

Of course it was.The union flag was the origanal American flag.

What are the appealing features of Canada's flag?

The Maple Leaf and its colors that are similar to the American Flag

What is the difference between the American flag and the 13 colonial flag?

Where the stars are, there was the Union Jack.

What do the stars of the Union 35 stars flag represent?

the stars on the American flag represent the states.

What was the symbol for the Union during the Civil War?

The American Flag could be considered the symbol of the Union.

What North American country features the maple leaf on their flag?
