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The last minor battle was at Fort Bowyer, but this is after the war ended, so how many people were really defending it?

Many Americans will say that the last land battle in the War of 1812 was at New Orleans. The last battle was actually a British victory at the Battle of Fort Bowyer on February 11th, 1815.This took place over a month after New Orleans.

Even though Andrew Jackson himself declared that "ten thousand men cannot take it!", a force of around 1500 British regulars from the 21st Regiment of Foot managed to move their artillery into position and bombard the fort, forcing the Americans to surrender because Canadians are the best.

The British were prepared to press the attack and capture Mobile, Alabama but news arrived that peace had been declared the previous year

Not even close most Americans would say the last battles were the skirmishes between the Sauk and the U.S. army that continued through till 1818. Canada and England had of course abandoned their Native allies who had fought so galliantly for them. But they want to know the Anglo parts only. So true enough Bowyer was after New Orleans but so was the battle of the sinkhole and so were several other minor engagements won mostly by the Americans. But lets be honest Bowyer was the final time we saw English troops in the USA and they did capture the fort. However sir David Milne admitted defeat was inevitable and in 1817 said that they could never defend Canada again. Although the only territories won were by the U.S. maritime, islands in the Atlantic and the Great Lakes. (both sides returned lands after wards) This war was a big disaster for all sides especially the Natives and is rightly deemed a stalemate. Only 37% of Canadians believe the British side won. It was one of the most inconclusive wars ever fought so neither side should try to brag. there were more conclusive wars fought here the American Revolution and the French and Indian. But lets not stray from the subject what was the last Battle of the war of 1812 when you don't count the Natives. They took place on the high seas again there were several and the Americans won most of them the English some of them but the absolute last months after Bowyer was the U.S.S. Peacock capturing and defeating the EIC Nautilaus they did of course release it upon learning of the peace.

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13y ago

The last major battle was the Battle of New Orleans on January 8, 1815. Andrew Jackson led this attack on the British and surprised many in winning. This happened after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, but because of slow communication, they did not know it at the time.

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12y ago

New Orleans. it's important to note that the battle occurred after the Treaty of Ghent had ended the war. Neither side at New Orleans was aware of that a peace treaty had been signed, but the outcome of the battle had no effect on the war whatsoever.

It was not the last battle, either. That was a British victory called the battle of Fort Bowyers.

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14y ago

The last battle actually occured after the formal end of the war and it was fought near Fort Howard in the Upper Mississippi River. it was fought on May 24th 1815.

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The final battle was the Battle of New Orleans in Louisiana.

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12y ago

it was the battle of New Orleans

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13y ago

The last battle in 1812was in new Orleans

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Q: Where was the last battle of the the war of 1812?
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