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The Germans expected the invasion to be at the Pais de Calais on the Northern coast of France.

Deception through Operation Fortitude helped lead the Germans to this thought. This famous operation included the creation of fake tanks, radio traffic, and other fake military equipment. False information was leaked to the Germans so they would anticipate a diversion by allied forces.

This plan worked extremely well. German Panzers were held in reserve upon the invasion of Normandy for the "real" invasion at Calais. northern france

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Yes, Germany was expecting an Allied invasion in Western Europe, most likely in France beginning in 1943. Although the Germans set-up defensive positions in Netherlands, Belgium & France to cover all of the possible invasion sites along the Atlantic Ocean/English Channel coastline, it was at Calais, Francethat the Germans expected to be the most likely location for the Allied invasion.

The Allies knew that the Germans were expecting an invasion there, and exploited this with false information, radio traffic, and other means to deceive the Germans even further and hide the true location of the invasion at Normandy.

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What was France doing like during World War 2?

France was occupied by the Germans after they surrendered to the Germans. Some French soldiers made it to England and they fought against the Germans again when the Normandy Invasion occurred. I have added another link for you below.

Where did the Germans expect an Allied invasion to occur?

Calais. For every Allied reconnaissance flight over Normandy, two were flown over Calais to increase the deception. The Germans expected that George Patton rather than Bernard Montgomery would be leading the invasion, so a dummy army under Patton was created to indicate that Calais was the objective. Another dummy army in Scotland was created to confuse the Germans into thinking that Norway might also be a possible site for the invasion.