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The Bible does not say exactly where Joseph was born, but because he was a Jew it is assumed that it was Judea somewhere. (Although he was legal father of Jesus by law, he was actually Jesus' stepfather.)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago


Jesus born miraculously to a Virgin Mother Mary. No father at all.

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Q: Where was Joseph father of Jesus born?
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Did Jesus have a dad?

biologically, Joseph and also Our Father in HeavenA:Joseph was not Jesus biological father. As scripture states Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary. His only Father was God. He was raised by Joseph, Mary's husband after Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Read Luke 1:26-38.

Was Saint Joseph a father to Jesus?

Saint Joseph was the foster father of Jesus. God was his father.

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Jesus said two family's were his family. He said the family of heaven was his family and it was as God is his father. But Mary and Joseph were also who he said was his family. He was right there too. Mary actually born him and Joseph was the father but God was his heavenly father. Still his father but God did not born him. Jesus was sent from heaven and born in the arms of Mary and Joseph.

Where was Joseph the father of Jesus born?

Joseph, or Saint Joseph, was born in Bethlehem. He was born around the year 90 BC although an exact date is unknown.

What was Saint Joseph's relationship to Jesus?

Joseph was the foster father of Jesus, his legal but not biological father.

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According to Christian tradition: Jesus was the son of God. Mary was the woman who carried him in her womb, to be his mother, whether she was his bioloigical mother or just a surrogate is debated. Mary's husband's name was Joseph, but he was not Jesus's biological father as he and Mary never had sex until after Jesus was born.

God is Jesus heavenly father Joseph is Jesus earthly father did Jesus have another father?

No, He had no other father, it is as you wrote, God was His heavenly father, and Joseph was his earthly step-father. He had no other father.

Did Jesus hit his father?

If you are speaking about Jesus' step father, Joseph, we are not told about that, but I seriously doubt that He did hit Joseph. If you are speaking about Jesus' Father (God) in heaven the answer is absolutely not!

What is Jesus Christ's dads name?

The bible puts the earthly father of Jesus as Joseph.

Who was Jesus' father Joseph's father?

St. Joseph was Our Lord's Adopted father. His Actual Father Is God.

What job did Jesus earthly father Joseph do?

Jesus' step-father, Joseph was a carpenter.

Who was Jesus' father - Joseph?

St. Joseph was Our Lord's Adopted father. His Actual Father Is God.