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Q: Where is top left corner of the envelope?
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Where is the file menu on a laptop?

The file menu is in the top left hand corner on a laptop.

What does the flag look like of the US?

50 stars in the top left hand corner and red and white stripes.(Usually on a gold pole with an American eagle on top).

What is the non alphabetical order of letters on a keyboard called?

a QWERTY keyboard. It is called this because of the line of q,w,e,r,t,y in the top left corner.

Where are the tulips in the immortals series website?

1.on the home page near the fence on the upper left hand side 2.under evermore excerpts on the left of the text box 3.under buy evermore on the upper right corner behind grass 4.under blue moon excerpts on the bottom right hand corner 5.under buy blue moon on the bottom where the water is flowing one will float by soon 6.under shadowland on the very bottom left corner 7.under shadowland excerpts on the left of the text box 8.under letters from Alyson on the left of the text box 9.under downloads on the very bottom left corner 10.under chakras on the very bottom left corner (took me a while to find them; hope i helped) The ones on the pages of the books tell you something that happens in that book... So don't listen until you have finished the book.

What does Mississippi's flag look like?

It's rectangular shaped- like any other flag, with a blue X that has stars on it over a red square in top left hand corner. There's a thick blue stripe on the top of the flag, a white thick stripe in the middle, and on the bottom there is a thick red stripe.

Related questions

Where do you put your name on a envelope?

The return address goes in the top-left corner of the envelope.

Where do you place your own address on an envelope?

On the top left corner.

What corner do you put the return address on an envelope?

The return address is typically placed in the top-left corner of an envelope. This helps in case the mail cannot be delivered and needs to be returned to the sender.

What is the proper way to address a mailing envelope?

The proper way to address a mailing envelope is to place the stamp at the top right corner, add the senders return address on the top left corner of the envelope with the recipients full name and address in the middle of the envelope.

How do penguins on Club Penguin get in the corner in town?

You can get in the corner by clicking over there, then very quickly click the envelope in the top left corner.

Where do you put the sender and receiver address on an envelope?

The sender address goes either on the back at the top of the envelope or on the left hand corner in the front. The receiver's address goes in the front center of the envelope, and the stamp goes on the top right hand corner of the front.

What do you need on an envelope?

To mail an envelope, you need a stamp in the upper right corner and a recipient's name and address in the center. It is also traditional to put a return address in the upper left corner, or on the reverse of the envelope, at the top, but not required.

How do you send letters?

Get an address, buy a stamp and envelope, place letter in envelope, lick stamp, place stamp in top right corner of envelope, address written in the middle, return address top left corner. Then put it in the mailbox, preferrably with flag up.

Where to put home address on envelop?

On the top left corner. The address you are mailing the envelope to, goes in the middle.

On club penguin where do you get a newsletter?

On the top left corner there is a newspaper logo next to the mail envelope. Click it to get the newsletter.

Does your name go on the top corner of a envelope?

yes it does

What do you put on the envelope when sending it to an address?

All you need to do 3 steps: 1) put a stamp on the right hand corner. 2) put your adress on the top left hand corner. 3) put the adress your mailing it to in the middle of the envelope.