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i dont know but i guess in a safe confidential place. Probably At The White House I would Think..

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Q: Where is the first American flag kept?
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American flag

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who asked her to make the first american flag

Was ross the first person to make the American flag?

Yes she only did the american flag very first

Who desinged the first american flag?

Betsy Ross was both the designer and the creator of the first and original American flag in 1776.

Why is Betsy Ross important?

Legend has it that Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag.

Who was the first president born under the American flag?

To date. None. There is no such thing as the American flag

Was the first American flag made out of marijuana?

No, the first American flag was made out of tabocco. The person that made it was left handed also.

These appeared on the first American flag and are still part of the flags design today?

What appered on the first American flag is , No body knoes

What did the first American flag have on American?

It depends which American country you are referring to

How stirps should the American flag have?

the American flag has 13 strips representing the first thirteen colonies

How many strips where on the first flag?

there were 13 stripes in the first American flag, if that's what you mean.

What did the first American flag have on it?

It depends which American country you are referring to