Well no one knows for sure who baby Spencer parents are but we know who takes care of him. Carly Shay
The address of the Spencer Branch is: 105 Park St., Spencer, 54479 0398
it depends on whether the parents have a black parents to have a black baby both parents must have a black parent to posses the gene to create the black baby, even so, if both parents are white it means that the "black" gene is recessive (doesn't affect there skin colour but still carry the gene), when both parents have this recessive gene it means that there a 1/4 chance of the baby being black I'm not sure if this is the exact chance but in theory it should lie around 1/4
The address of the Spencer Library is: 41 North Main Street, Spencer, 14883 0305
Christopher Spencer's full name is Christopher Miner Spencer.
the answer is in the spelling of the surname!!! see 'who is the assassin of Spencer Percival'
Actress: Michelle Daves did played the role of baby Donnie on ''Spencer's Mountain'' (1963)
They have a "cot" which Spencer has his body in. You can't see him because it has blankets to hide him. Spencer has his head through a hole that has a baby body so it looks a bit like he's a baby! Does this help? Hope it does!
Spencer Hastings does get pregnant. She gets pregnant with Tobys baby
Zach and jadyn
No she does not
Spencer bruley and some dude
Michelle daves
parents cant design their baby!
Because her mom couldn't have another kid so her parents used their egg and sperm but had someone else (Olivia) carry the baby.
Target group for baby products - 1. Parents Excepting Baby 2. Parents with New Born Baby 3. Parents already Having Baby 4. Parents having baby of bigger age 5. Parents planning a baby (As some measurable should also be taken in such conditions).
a baby needs milk from their parents. it needs care