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first answer: the Germans never thought they would land in France, they thought they would land either in Italy or Africa.

second correct answer: In World War 2, the Germans thought that when the Allies invaded France, that the Allies would choose to land at the Pas-de-Calais area. The Allies landed in the Normandy area instead. From the German point of view, the Pas-de-Calais area was the obvious choice. It was closer to England and the fastest way to invade Germany and seize the Ruhr industrial region.

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Q: Where in France did Germans think their allies would land?
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Is France are allie in the war?

France, being with the UN and NATO, Would give the idea that they are allies.

What were the surrender terms offered to France by the Germans in World War 2?

Germans would occupy the northern part of France and a Nazi-controlled puppet government would be installed. The French occupation government was located in Vichy (central France) and headed by a former Marshal of France, Philippe Pétain.

Why did the Allied planners choose Normandy for the cross-channel invasion of Fortress Europe What did they do to confuse the Germans?

The Germans expected the Alllies to land at Calais which would have been more strategic but Eisenhower knew this and so dummies were sent to Calais to divert men away from Normandy. The Germans expected the Allies to cross the channel at the shortest route, which would be at Pas de Calais. Previous attempt to land in France was targeted at a port city. The Allies instead decided to land on an open beach that was not near any port or city. They designed a floating port that would help them land the materials necessary to support the army until they could capture the port at Cherbourg. The Allies tried to decieve the Germans into believing that the landing had to be at Pas de Calais. That included bombing the area. On the day of the landings, they dropped dummy paratroopers(no, not stupid paratroopers, but dummy models of them). There were many other tricks that were used to mislead the Germans as to where the landings would be.

How did the battle of somme start?

it started because of the Germans invaded the France people it always mattered if they were in there territory something would happen to them

What was the battle when the allied forces were trapped by the Germans in France where miraculously rescued?

That would be Dunkirk.

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Where did the Germans think the allies would land on d day?

they thought that the invasion in Normandy was a distraction, and that the real invasion would be in the south of France. so they went down to the south of France, but there was no invasion.

Why would Germans worry about the alliance between France and Russia?

if France and russia were allies, they could attack Germany on two sides

Where did the German high command think this allied forces would invade?

The Germans were fooled into believing that the Allies would invade France across the narrowest part of the English Channel, to land in or near calais. The landing in Normandy, was initially viewed by the Germans as a diversion.

Give a reason why the Germans thought the Allies would attack France at Pas de Calais?

Fist because of its close proximity, and then because it opened the shortest route for the Allies to Ruhr.

What major mistake did Allies make in preparing to defend against Germany's attack on France?

The idea was the the Marginol line would stop the Germans. The Germans counted on the French not leaving their positions along the line, so the Germans came across the Ardennes with tanks and crossed the Meuse River into France.

In d-day there was a country called callas?

pas de calais is on the french coast directly across fromDover, England. The allies convinced the Germans that the allies would invade France at the pas de calais, the shortest distance between Britain and France. For that reason German kept most of there forces and armor in the pas de calais expecting the allies to land there...............but the allies landed at Normandy, France

Who took the German positions at pas de calais in 1945?

the German forces were expecting an allied landing at the Pas de Calais in the summer of 1945 and maintained a strong force in that area. However, the allies made the Germans think the allied invasion would take place at the Pas de Calais area as it was the shortest distance from England to France. But, the allied forces landed at Normandy, France and gained a foot hold in France before the Germans realized they had been tricked, that the allies were not going to invaded at the Pas de Calaids area of France...................

What actions did England and France have on World War 2?

England and France had a huge effect on World War II! When Germany broke their agreement of peace with England, by invading Poland, England and France declared war on Germany. The Germans ended up taking over France, and forcing the English to retreat across the channel, at a town called Dunkirk. When we eventually got into the war, we were allies with England and France. The English helped us push the Germans back to Berlin, and the French resisted their Nazi opposition from the inside. I think that if it wasn't for them, we would have had a harder time fighting the Germans, Japanese and Italians at once.

What di the Allies defeating the Germans in the battle of the Marne do?

The Marne was a strategic point on the German road to Paris. Both Battles of the Marne kept the Germans from crossing the river and continuing on to take Paris. Had Paris been captured, France would have fallen.

Is France are allie in the war?

France, being with the UN and NATO, Would give the idea that they are allies.

How did d-day change the war?

D-Day was the Allied invasion of Normandy, France. It gave the Allies a foothold in western France and would cause the Germans to retreat. The significant factor was that large numbers of Allied forces could safely land on parts of France that the Allies held. It was also a significant morale boost for the Allies. Germany now found itself fighting on three fronts. Fighting Allied troops in Italy, Russia and France.

What were the surrender terms offered to France by the Germans in World War 2?

Germans would occupy the northern part of France and a Nazi-controlled puppet government would be installed. The French occupation government was located in Vichy (central France) and headed by a former Marshal of France, Philippe Pétain.