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According to this page: ...most of it -- about 57.7% -- is purchased by various California communities and utility companies. The rest goes to Arizona and Nevada (approximately 19% and 23%, respectively).

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Q: Where does the power generated by Hoover Dam go?
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Why did Larry hoover go to jail?

Murder, drug traffiking

What crip colors do 52 Hoover crips wear?

52 hoover gangstaz wear blue,orange,and sometimes green...they also wear houston astros hats because of the colors,the 5 point star,and the H..for hoover...52 hoover is one of the few hoover sets that still claim to be part of the crips...hoover sets go from 50 to 100...other hoover sets colors may include purple or black...but ALWAYS wear orange...its the main hoover criminal color for all sets.

Where did Herbert Hoover go after his parents died?

Herbert was sent to live with his uncle, Dr. Henry Minthorn, in Oregon, following the death of his parents.

Where did Herbert Hoover go to school?

Hoover went to West Branch (Iowa) Free School in Iowa and Friends Pacific Academy (now John Fox University) Newburg, Oregon for elementary education . He did not get a high school diploma but passed the entrance exams at Stanford U and entered there. where he got a degree in engineering. (Hoover always claimed to be the very first student at Stanford; he enrolled in it the year it opened, and may have been the first student to spend the night in one of its dormitories).

What steps did Hoover take to ease the economic crisis?

At first President Hoover tried to organize national optimism by summoning business execs to DC to declare that conditions were sound and that there would not be wage cutting. When that did not work (stop the depression), he became inactive for a while, trusting to the idea that it all would self-correct. When that did not work, he organized an international moratorium in war debts and reparations. This actually did help stem the slide further into depression, but only briefly. Then he set up the Reconstruction Finance Corp. to bring federal aid to hard pressed banks and businesses. Just as it seemed that this might work and that recovery was at hand, in the winter of 1932-33 the banking system in America went into a tailspin. On March 4, 1933, the American banking system ground to a complete halt. Hoover was an able and intelligent president who attempted orthodox economic ideas, but became a victim to the collapse of the system.

Related questions

What should you do at the Hoover Dam?

You should go do the Power Point tour. I think that's what its called. I've done it before and it is very intresting.

What were some of the Innovations that made the construction of the Hoover dam?

Some of the innovations that made the construction of the Hoover Dam possible is.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................GO AND DO YOUR MOM!

What were some innovations that made Hoover Dam possible?

Some of the innovations that made the construction of the Hoover Dam possible is.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................GO AND DO YOUR MOM!

How much power is generated by the Hoover Dam? ^ a very good video summary on Hydroelectric power Basically water flows through the dam and through a turbine. This spins the turbine, which in turn spins a generator. The generator creates electricity by having magents go around copper.

Why do people vist the Hoover Dam?

so they can go see the beavers.

Where would you go to see the Hoover Dam?

From Las Vegas take a Drive to Boulder City.

How did the building of the Hoover Dam help California?

Go look on a real website and not ask on here, You idget. :)

How do get the attack chopper in transformers decepticon on ds?

go to military hangar at hoover dam theres a ton of them there

What are some recreational activities on a dam?

An example would be the Hoover Dam, by Boulder City, Nevada; there is a museum located next to the dam, an elevator leading far underground to tunnels of the dam's builders, seeing the underground engines of the dam with tour guides, and looking out at the river and taking pictures is even fun. Otherwise, It is just a road across a dam, but you are not allowed to go swimming or anything. Being at the Hoover Dam was a beautiful sight for me!

Where is Hoover Dam on the Transformers?

Assuming you mean the game Transformers, you go to Hoover Dam after you finish the Driven to Distraction mission on your second trip to Tranquility. (Driven to Distraction is where you fight all the military vehicles as Bumblebee)If you don't mean the game, then you probably need to reword your question.

What is unique about Lake Mead?

it is one of the largest lakes, it connects to the hoover dam, the show csi occasionaly films there, and i use to go there all the time

What are three reasons that you would want to go to Hoover Dam?

its big, it produces the electricity and water for las Vegas and its pretty:-D