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This is not true..the crown jewels came from India and obtained just like how many people obtain precious stones. stop looking for foul play, its old history now.

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Q: Where do the crown jewels come from?
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Who built the crown jewels?

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Are the crown jewels kept at balmoral castle?

No, the crown jewels are kept in the Tower of London ;)

Where can you see the british croun jewels?

The crown jewels are on display at the Towe of London as far as I know. You can probably find a website that shows the crown jewels by typing "Crown Jewels" into your search engine of choice.

Where are the Scottish Crown Jewels held?

where are the scottish crown jewels held Better known as the Honours of Scotland, and containing jewels older than the bling that is the the British Crown Jewels, they are kept in Edinburgh Castle.

What has the author Michael written?

Michael has written: 'TheR oyal House of Greece' 'Crown jewels' -- subject(s): History, Regalia (Insignia), Crown jewels, Kings and rulers 'Crown jewels of Britain and Europe' -- subject(s): Crown jewels

What gemstones are in the crown jewels?

The gems on the crown jewels are diamonds, pearls, sapphires, rubys, and tourmalines.

Who guards Britain's Crown Jewels?

The Crown Jewels are kept in the Tower of London which is guarded by the Beefeaters.

Do visitors to the crown jewels see the genuine jewels?

Yea... of course they see the real jewels depends if u mean the Cohinoor yea and the crown Jewels OF COURSE!!!!!!!!

How old are the crown jewels of Britain?

The Crown Jewels of England have been in the Tower of London since 1303.

What are the release dates for Crown Jewels - 1918?

Crown Jewels - 1918 was released on: USA: 22 December 1918

Where is the royal jewels kept?

The British crown jewels are kept at the Tower of London, and can be viewed by the public.

How long have to crown jewels been housed in the Tower of London?

The Crown Jewels of England have been in the Tower of London since 1303.