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Boneless 2 piece Chuck. We get it from the primal cut and ground it ourselves. No additives. No beef Aditives(pink slime). 100% pure 2 piece chuck

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Q: Where do bubba burgers get their beef from?
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Related questions

Are bubba burgers cows grass fed?

Bubba's Burgers down own any cows, but the beef they serve (Kauai Island Bubba's Burgers, see related link below) is indeed grass-fed.

What do McDonald's put in the burgers?


Does McDonald's contain beef?

Yes, McDonald's burgers contain beef.

What is the different from hum burger and beef burger?

Hum burgers are cattle that is solely fed on hummus and live in the northwest zone of Humburg. Beef burgers eat 90/20, 80/20, or 70/30 hummus to beef, hence the name beef burgers. Good question.

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How much beef or hamburgers does Ecuador produce?

1.8% of the world's beef used in burgers

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What do they put in the McDonald's burgers so they do not rot out?


Do people eat pork burgers?

The most common meat for burgers is beef, but somewhere, someplace there's bound to be someone making pork burgers.

Is White Castle made out of horse meat?

No. The burgers are beef.

How much does a ten pack of burgers cost?

Depends on what you're getting, exactly. There'll be a big difference between a pack of Bubba Burgers and a ten pack of organic bison burger patties.

What wine goes well with beef burgers?

Most southern French red wines are fantastic with meaty beef burgers and are recommended.A nice Gigondas or Vacqueyras from the Southern Rhone area is a very good bet. Or a peppery Zinfandel, which compliments the meal very nicely.Languedoc, Spanish Navara or Greek rich red wines are also a great pairing for meaty beef burgers.