His Head was set on a spike at London Bridge,His right leg was taken to Berwick Upon Tweed, and his left to Perth, his left arm to Stirling and his right arm hung above the bridge at Newcastle-upon-Tyne 'over the common sewer'.
The Justinian code was one of the four parts which made up the collections of books which was called Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law)
about four times
The 5th sense, also known as proprioception, is the ability to sense the position and movement of our body parts without relying on the other senses. It differs from the other four senses (sight, hearing, taste, and smell) because it is focused on internal body awareness rather than external stimuli.
The rib consists of four parts: the head, the body, the angle, and the tubercle.
there is no petals so the other body parts do the work they are always doing.
parts of a letter: * heading * greeting * body * closing
The four parts of the corpus callosum are the rostrum, genu, body, and splenium. These parts connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres, allowing for communication and coordination between them.
Foot,visceral,mass and head
heading greeting body ending
mouth foot head and legs
Four legs, 12 toes.
The fox's four legs are likely to be the body parts used to move. It also uses its tail for balance.
It uses its four legs.