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Q: Where did the Trail of Tears begin and end?
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When did the Trail of Tears begin?


Where the Trail of Tears begin?


When did the trail of tear end?

The Trail of Tears ended in the early 1840s.

Where in California did the Trail of Tears end?

The Trail of Tears stopped short of California by about 1,200 miles (Eastern Oklahoma).

What US state did the Trail of Tears end in?


What states are in beginning and end of the Trail of Tears?

Taint then taint

What state did the trail of tears end in?

After a 2200 mile journey the trail of tears ended in Oklahoma.

What year did a large group of Cherokees begin the journey which is known as the Trail of Tears?


What is the Trail of Tears and when did it begin?

The first removal actions began on November 1, 1831 the last tribe moved was January of 1839; however the army did not end their 'war' against the Seminole until December of 1842. Moving the Seminole was a part of the "Indian Removal Act" (called the Trail of Tears).

How do you end a essay on the Trail of Tears?

That would depend upon the essence of your essay, or what your focus Is. If, for instance, your essay is just a narrative of what the Cherokee Trail of Tears was, then I would end it with brief summation pointing out that the Cherokee Trail of Tears was but one trail of tears many tribes had to endure. If your focus is on how it was an illegal removal, then you might summarize and point out how this deliberate disobeying of the Supreme Court, would not have been tolerated.

What was the name of the Cherokee march to Oklahoma?

The Trail of Tears, which General Winfield Scott commanded.

What did the Cherokee take with them on the trail of tears?

What helped the Cherokee survie on the Trail of Tears