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The smallpox virus is said to have emerged about 10 thousand years BC. The virus' genes suggest that it was once a rodent virus that made its trans-species jump into humans in one of the early agricultural river valleys. Smallpox is thought to have rooted itself early in people living in the river valleys of China. The first clear description of smallpox (by the great Chinese medical doctor Ko Hung) appeared in a Chinese medical text in the fourth century AD. The disease had such a profound effect on human culture that there were deities created in its honor. The Chinese worshiped a goddess of smallpox named T'ou Shen Niang-Niang, who could cure the disease. Like the Chinese with their smallpox goddess, the Hindu religion also has a goddess of smallpox, named Shitala Ma. Mankind has dealt with smallpox throughout our historical record, affecting populations around the globe. The role of this one disease in mankind's history is profound. World history could have been greatly changed had smallpox not been a part of it. Smallpox decimated the Ethiopian soldiers in the Elephant war in Mecca 568 AD. Introduced by slaves carried by Spanish explorers in 1502, smallpox swept through the native populations of the Western Hemisphere, exacting a heavy toll on Amerindian tribes and resulted in the collapse of both the Aztec and Incan empires, enabling European colonization. In 1738, smallpox killed half the Cherokee Indian population. At the end of the 18th century in Europe, an estimated 400 thousand people were dying annually from smallpox.

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Is chickenpox related to smallpox?

No. Chickenpox did not come from smallpox they are 2 separate viruses.

Does smallpox vaccine come from cows?

The smallpox vaccine comes from cows. Most diseases you a weakened form of the disease. However the smallpox vaccine is brought from cowpox. (closely related to smallpox but not as dangerous). You cannot get this vaccine anymore and if you did it would result in a bad reaction.

What is the Alias for smallpox?

its smallpox

Are you able to get smallpox today?

no it is rare to get smallpox. although it is still possible to get smallpox

What are the cures for smallpox?

The cure for smallpox is cowpox. Cowpox is a mild version of smallpox and is usually not fatal. The smallpox vaccine contains cowpox.

What is a sentence with the word smallpox?

An example sentence with the word "smallpox" is: My sister was diagnosed with smallpox when she was three.

How is smallpox passed to one person to another?

One can be infected by smallpox if a victum of smallpox has coughed in the air. They can be infected by smallpox by exposing an opened wound. You can become infected if you breath the air that is shared by someone that has smallpox. Its passed many different ways. One can be infected by smallpox if a victum of smallpox has coughed in the air. They can be infected by smallpox by exposing an opened wound. You can become infected if you breath the air that is shared by someone that has smallpox. Its passed many different ways.

When did Queen Elizabeth get the smallpox?

She got smallpox in 1562

Is the smallpox contageous?

yes Smallpox is very Contageous.

When was smallpox?

Smallpox was last seen in October 1977.

Is smallpox virus or bacteria?

Smallpox was a virus.