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Mainly in Sydney and Melbourne, but there are also smaller populations in Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and elsewhere.

After the fall of Saigon, South Vietnam, in 1975, there was a migration of Vietnamese refugees to Australia.

They settled mostly in Sydney and Melbourne.

In Sydney they live mostly in the suburbs of Bankstown and Cabramatta.

In Melbourne they live mostly in the suburbs of Springvale and Sunshine.

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Q: Where did Vietnamese people settle in Australia?
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When did the vietnamese settle in Australia?

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because Australia and its Alys had been waging war in Vietnam for many years. when they lost the war to the north Vietnamese. as situation developed where many people that cooperated with the south Vietnamese government were no longer safe in their own country so they sought asylum in Australia.

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Vietnam has impacted on Australia by most of its' people migrating to here in the Vietnam war. my name is your name!!! Remember me!!!