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After their marriage they resided at the Palace of Versailles in Versailles France. King Louis, apparantly understanding his wifes strong desire for privacy and perhaps attempting to alleivate her boredom which seemed to lead to extravagant spending gave her the Petit Trianon for her amusement. The Petit Trianon is a small chateau on the grounds of the Palace of Versailles. So private was the Queen that it was rumored that none could visit her chateau without her express permission, not even the King himself. Later, she purchased the Chateau de Saint-Cloud from the duc d'Orleans. She had thought to leave it as an inheritance for her children. The Chateau overlooks the Sienne and Marie Antoinette was convinced that the fresh country air was healthier for her and her children. She immediatly set about remodeling the Chateau. It is safe to assume that she spent a good deal of her time at the Chateau away from the public view which was becoming more disdainful of her by the day. The purchase of the Chateau did nothing to help her popularity for it was considered shocking for a Queen to own a private residence away from the King.

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Q: Where did Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI live together after they got married?
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