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(Acts 11:25-26) . . .So he went off to Tarsus to make a thorough search for Saul [26] and, after he found him, he brought him to Antioch. It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.

This was written about 44-46 c.e. and is the first occurrence of a group with the name Christians.

Christianity started with the teachings of Jesus, who lived in what is now called the Holy Land--currently Israel/Palestine.


Christ's church was founded in Jerusalem. The account is found in Acts 2.

it was acually later turned into christianty but his original idea was to reform the Jewish religion sort of like the reformation but with Judiasm

Christianity began in Israel in the city of Bethlehem.


The above contributions discuss the origins of the human practice of Christianity as a religion. The Word, as identified in the first chapter of John, is with God always and from the beginning, and so in a deep sense Christianity has no beginning at all but exists everywhere and in all of time.

From a Christian perspective, it came from the area that today we call Israel. Others have hypothesized a variety of other places, such as India, China, and most notably (for it's oddness), Britain.

Another view:

Christianity started in Jerusalem.

Additional Comment:

Some scholars have said the birth of Christianity started in Jerusalem on Pentecost, which they dated to June 17, 31 A.D.

(Acts 11:25-26) . . .So he went off to Tarsus to make a thorough search for Saul [26] and, after he found him, he brought him to Antioch. It thus came about that for a whole year they gathered together with them in the congregation and taught quite a crowd, and it was first in Antioch that the disciples were by divine providence called Christians.

This was written about 44-46 c.e. and is the first occurrence of a group with the name Christians.

Christianity started with the teachings of Jesus, who lived in what is now called the Holy Land--currently Israel/Palestine.


Christ's church was founded in Jerusalem. The account is found in Acts 2.

it was acually later turned into christianty but his original idea was to reform the Jewish religion sort of like the reformation but with Judiasm

Christianity began in Israel in the city of Bethlehem.


The above contributions discuss the origins of the human practice of Christianity as a religion. The Word, as identified in the first chapter of John, is with God always and from the beginning, and so in a deep sense Christianity has no beginning at all but exists everywhere and in all of time.


We can probably say where Christianity began - in Jerusalem, but because Christianity is based on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the lamb of God then Christianity didn't begin until after Jesus was resurrected and possibly not until after the giving of the Holy Spirit - as the indwelling Holy Spirit is the earnest of a Christians coming redemption.

Messianic Jewish View: Though Constantine officially made Christianity the state religion of the Eastern Roman Empire, Theodosius was the last Roman Emperor of both the Western and Eastern Roman Empire that issued the edict on February 27, 380 CE which declared the formation of a Universal Church and not just any kind of Christian, a declaration which attempted to unify Arianism (i.e., a form of Christianity that denied Christ's deity) with the Roman Catholic Church (i.e., the more accepted form of Christianity that embraced the Trinitarian Doctrine). According to Roman law, it was illegal to practice a religion that was not formally recognized by the Roman Empire and most historians of the day recognized early Christians (i.e., the Ebionim and the Netzarim) as Jews who followed the teachings of a Jewish scholar.

Christianity began in the middle east in the area of Israel. This is not terribly far from where they think the Garden of Eden was located.

History of Christianity -- how did it all start? Christianity started about 2000 years ago in Judea (present-day Israel) with Jesus Christ and His faithful group of disciples. During this period, Judea was a cross-cultural mecca of bustling cities and farms. The emperor of Rome was the ruler. The Jews at that time hated Roman rule -- it was but another reminder of the historical oppression they faced as a people. The polytheistic cultural beliefs of Rome were also pagan and intrusive to Jewish life. Some Jews saw that their only hope was to conform to this change. Others became religious zealots who formed pockets of guerrilla resistance against Rome. Still others withdrew themselves into the Judean wilderness to study the Jewish law and wait for the eventual coming of their promised Messiah (savior).

Answer: The account relating the beginning of Christianity is more explicit about the reasons why Jesus' disciples abandoned their ancestors' religion. In a very persuasive speech, the apostle Peter invited his audience to "get saved from this crooked generation" by repenting of their sins and getting baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:37-41) One of the most remarkable examples was that of Saul, a Jewish persecutor of Christians. While on the road to Damascus, he saw a vision of Christ, after which Saul became a Christian and came to be known as the Apostle Paul.-Acts 9:1-9.

The majority of early Christians did not have such a spectacular experience. Still, all had to abandon either Judaism or the worship of various pagan gods. Those who accepted Christianity did so in full knowledge of the facts, often after having had long discussions about the role of Jesus as the Messiah. (Acts 8:26-40; 13:16-43; 17:22-34) Those early Christians were clearly informed of the need to make changes in their lives. The invitation was given to all, both Jews and non-Jews, but the message remained the same. To please God, it was necessary to follow a new form of worship, that of Christianity.

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It can be said that Christianity started in Judea because Jesus did his teaching in various locations and its followers came from different part of Judea. By the time Jesus went to Jerusalem he already had his followers.

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Many agree it began outside of the Upper Room of Jerusalem on Pentecost Sunday, 17 June 31 AD (see Acts 1 & 2).

Many biblical students believe the Church of God, initially called 'The Way' and only later in Antioch was labeled Christianity - perhaps 10 years after the Resurrection - began in the Upper Room outside of Jerusalem on Pentecost Sunday, Jun 17, 31 A.D.. This is exactly 50 days (meaning of Pentecost) after the Saturday resurrection of Jesus.

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