At Temple of the Nymphs at Mieza in Macedonia under the tutelage of Aristotle.
Alexander the Great studied with Aristotle as a boy
what can you learn about the growth of the greek empire from the primary source above
Alexander the great was Greek.
No, Alexander the great is not single.
Learn to spell politician, then I will answer
Alexander the Great studied with Aristotle as a boy
Kids can learn about astronomy on a variety of different websites such as kidsastronomy, sciencekids and many more! Kids can even take classes to learn about astronomy.
Alexander the Great's influence on astronomy was primarily through the spread of Greek culture and knowledge, which included advancements in astronomy. The conquests of Alexander allowed for the exchange of ideas between different civilizations, leading to the preservation and transmission of astronomical knowledge to other regions. Additionally, the city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander, became a center for scientific research and astronomical observation.
In astronomy class, kids typically learn about the solar system, galaxies, stars, constellations, and the universe. They also learn about the different tools astronomers use to study space, such as telescopes and satellites. Additionally, they may learn about important historical figures in astronomy and current discoveries in the field.
No. Alexander's General Ptolemy (Ptolemy I Soter I) was a general who succeeded Alexander are ruler of Egypt in 323 BC The famous astronomer named Ptolemy was Claudius Ptolemy, a Roman citizen of Greek and Egyptian background who lived in Alexandria and wrote on many topics, including astronomy. He was born about 100 AD and died about 170 AD.
you can learn all aspects of science its its the oldest science
A: Astronomy is the study of the cosmos, the universe, the outside world. I believe that there are two types of people: those who chose to learn about their past, and those who chose to learn more about their present. Astronomy helps to learn about our present, past and future, so everybody can find some area of astronomy that interests them.
what can you learn about the growth of the greek empire from the primary source above
we can learn that if u keep believing u can achieve and also if u work hard enough
Astronomy is not a 'school' subject. you would need to go to a university to specialise in astronomy.