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Passed down through generations, our family has letters describing some of the turmoil that went on in the time frame around the Declaration of Independence. We have never released the letters or content to the public. What will you use the information for? I am replying to the question raised by Burgess Snowden. I am preparing a short performance for the nationally-televised Liberty Medal Ceremony for the city of Philadelphia which takes placed on July 4. This year's recipient is Hamid Karzai, the president of Afghanistan. My idea for this year's ceremony was to have a reading, by actors, of short excerpts from letters written during the time when the Declaration of Independence was being ratified.

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Q: Where can you find letters written by the founding fathers about the difficulties experienced while writing the Declaration of Independence especially personality conflicts ethical dilemmas etc?
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Why did colonial leaders choose Thomas Jefferson to write the Declaration of Independence?

Actually, the Declaration of Independence was a joint effort with Jefferson doing most of the writing and many others, including the people you mention, editing. Thomas Jefferson had the time, the talent and the willingness to take on this task. Ben Franklin and John Adams had been getting the country and the continent ready for this bid for independence for years. Both Franklin and Adams spent their own wealth and every effort in France and Holland to get the backing of these important European players. They had worked and negotiated with all of the Continental Congress delegates to try to reach a unanimous vote on independence. They were stretched too thin to take on the Declaration. Adams also knew that Jefferson, who had a fire for independence within him, was too aloof to do much politicking for the break from England. This was a way to use Jefferson's great powers as a rational thinker and his gift of language for the cause. He admitted that he himself (Adams) was too well known as a difficult personality to write the Declaration in a way that would gain the support of all the delegates. Finally, the greatest task was still ahead: the creation of the Constitution and for that Franklin and Adams would need all their strength and diplomacy. Jefferson would play no role at all in constructing that mighty document, although he would go on to write many criticisms and plaudits of the document that was written in his absence.

What was hathor's personality?

whats was hathors personality

What does each letter in the word 'personality' stand for?

The letters in the word "personality" do not stand for anything. "Personality" is not an acronym.

What was sir Walter Raleigh's personality?

Sir Walter Raleigh personality

What were the personality traits of Lorenzo de' Medici?

see ENFP (Myers-Briggs Personality Type)

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The difficulties of a manager are to relate to the different personality types of people they work with. They also have the responsibility of money and sales goals on them.

What did dolley Madison do important?

She married a president and had a very great personality. She saved the portrait of George Washington and also saved the Declaration of Independence from the first White House before it got burnt down by the British in the war of 1812.

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Slowly as one has grown, matured and experienced the trials of life.

Is there a relationship between personality disorder and anger?

Yes, individuals with personality disorders, such as borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, may experience difficulties in managing and expressing anger. This can manifest in explosive outbursts, intense emotions, or difficulties in regulating their responses to perceived threats. Treatment that focuses on improving emotion regulation and communication skills can help individuals with personality disorders manage their anger more effectively.

What is the treatment for personality disorder?

Borderline personality disorders, although they cause social difficulties, can be hard to "treat." These disorders are usually diagnosed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist, and a prescription isn't necessarily prescribed. To "treat" personality disorders, patients often go through extensive counseling sessions.

What is a memorable story that reveals John Hancock's personality?

he wrote hes name in big letters in the declaration of Indepences <3

What is effect of intoxication?

Emotional difficulties, behavior changes, impaired judgment and personality changes take place. Such as slurred speech, incoordination of body movements.

Who was a passionate patriot who spoke for independence?

Thomas Jefferson was a patriot and was a conspicuous personality in the movement towards independence. Also Patrick Henry - his famous quote "Give me liberty or give me death"

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Maltipoos do train fast. The maltipoo breed is considered easy to train with an experienced breeder who is familiar with their personality traits and tendencies.

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A normal personality refers to traits and behaviors that are within the typical range of human behavior, while an abnormal personality may exhibit extreme or maladaptive traits that deviate significantly from societal norms. Abnormal personalities can result in difficulties functioning in daily life and may require professional intervention for diagnosis and treatment.

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it depends on his personality maybe you can flirt and all that OR... maybe you can be close friends and then ask him I'm having difficulties with love issues so dont get to worked up about it.