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You have a lot of options here. You can check old city directories for their names. There are also the 1920 and the 1930 Censuses (the 1930 has just recently been made available to researchers - 1940 & 1950 aren't available yet, census records aren't made public until 70 years have passed). If you're not sure they lived in you still have options. For example, if they lived in Chicago you should start out by checking Illinois census indices. Then, when/if you find your family name listed in an index, the index will tell you where (County, twp) to look. Then you can find the right roll of microfilm to search. You could also try checking death records, cemetery records, SSDI, etc. Or you could find a Surname messageboard like you can find at Find the board for your last name and post a query. is a great gateway site. There are just so many places to look for information.

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Q: Where can you find information about family members in the 1920s to 1950s?
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