they were imprisoned about 25-30 years before Bastille day. 5 forgers and 2 mentally ill prisoners....lolololol
BASTILLE DAY is a holiday on July 14 that celebrates the liberation and destruction of the Bastille, a prison that held ammunition and political prisoners.
It began with the storming of the Bastille.
1789Did you know:Louis XVI was deposed in 1789.In 1789 with the Storming of the Bastille.
A former fortress in Paris, France that was built between 1370 and 1383. It was in use as a prison and became a focal point in the French Revolution.*improved by cheetah1022*The Bastille was a fortress-prison in Paris, known formally as Bastille Saint-Antoine-Number 232, Rue Saint-Antoine-best known today because of the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789, which along with the Tennis Court Oath is considered the beginning of the French Revolution. The event was commemorated one year later by the Fête de la Fédération. The French national holiday, celebrated annually on 14 July is officially the Fête Nationale, and officially commemorates the Fête de la Fédération, but it is commonly known in English as Bastille Day. Bastille is a French word meaning "castle" or "stronghold", or "bastion"; used with a definite article (la Bastille in French, the Bastille in English), it refers to the prison.It was when the French peasants broke into the Bastille prison (or fortress) in Paris to steal the weapons and gun powder but whilst doing so the released the 7 prisoners.
In 1789, during the storming of the Bastille, there were 7 prisoners. The Bastille represented royal authority and this was exactly what the French people didn't want anymore. Also, it was randomly known there was a lot of gunpowder stored in the Bastille and since the people feared that King Louis XVI was planning a counter revolution, they wanted to arm themselves against the foreign troops that Louis had ordered from abroad. The French saw it as a victory when they freed the 7 prisoners and tore down the Bastille. They conveniently forgot the fact that among them were 4 forgers, 2 lunatics and 1 pedophile.
The Bastille.
La Bastille. There were only seven prisoners in it.
It is called Bastille Day and is celebrated when the Bastille was stormed to free,prisoners and it began the French Revolution on July 14, 1789.
It was to free the prisoners inside about 7 were freed according to QI General Book of Ignorance
BASTILLE DAY is a holiday on July 14 that celebrates the liberation and destruction of the Bastille, a prison that held ammunition and political prisoners.
It began with the storming of the Bastille.
The Storming of the Bastille marks the start of the French Revolution.
The Seizure of the Bastille happened during the French Revolution. Basically, what happened was, the group of revolutionaries in France invaded a fort/prison in Paris known as the Bastille. They invaded it, killed all the guards, and released the prisoners. Some of the prisoners joined the revolutionaries to end the monarchy in France.
the French Revolution.
The French Revolution.
1789Did you know:Louis XVI was deposed in 1789.In 1789 with the Storming of the Bastille.