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I had heard that for years. People would look at my violin because the color was really different and it was so loud and has such a good tone. When they would look inside the f hole they would say this is a German Strad Copy made in the 20s and sold by Sears. One day the back started to separate from the side. I sent it to a repairman who had also told me the same thing about it being a 1920s Sears Strad copy. He was excited to find it was signed on the inside top by a guy who made it in Germany in 1858. I later found out when Sears contracted with Germany back in the 20's. Instead of falling short on supplies, they were grabbing any violin of decent quality no matter the age or maker if they fit into the category Strad Copy they would slap the label inside that was block printed Stradivarius Copy of etc.. The only way to really know how old or where the strad copy was made is to accidentally find a pencil written signature and date inside the belly of the violin. Don't let someone just run up and tell you what you have by looking at the label inside.

I have a Strad Copy with "Berlin 6009" written inside. Next to it there is an old label that states it was repaired in 1886 by a man named George Harms of Evansville, IN.

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Q: When were copies made of Antonius Stradivarius violins made in Germany?
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First, all violins made before the 20th century are hand made, and most today still are.Antonius Stradivarius lived from 1644-1737. If you had one of the Cremona Violins made by Antonius it would be worth several hundred thousand dollars. Even copies are still worth several thousand dollars.His sons, Francesco Stradivarius (1671-1743) and Omobono Stradivarius (1679-1742), worked with him and continued the craft after his death, and they aren't worth quite as much, but are still highly sought after.What you probably have is a copy made by Ferdinandus Gagliano. He was alive during that time-frame and made violins branded with Stradivarius. I can't give you an exact price, but hopefully someone else can take this information and give you a more proper assessment. If I were in possession of it, I wouldn't sell it for less than $3,000 USD

What is a copy of Antonius Stradivarius made in Germany year 1800 worth?

It seriously depends o who makes the copy, some copies are absolutely wonderfully done where others are horrible. If you go back to the first part of the 20th century, international copyrights were not well enforced. There are many "Stradivarius" violins from that time which are not even copies of a true Stradivarius, just ordinary violins with that tradename.

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Stradivarius. He is the most famous violin maker of all times. you can buy one of his violins for a few million dollars. He uses some kind of famous method to make them. Barely any of his violins still exist. Now, for a few thousand dollars, people make models of his violins using his method. Still, the original copies are a lot more paresis.

What is the value of a Violin marked Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno 1716?

In short, priceless. If this is a genuine Stradivari Violin, it will be worth well over $3,000,000 at auction, according to the research I've done due to having found one of these from my deceased grandparents, who themselves have had it in their family for over 160 years. The first thing you will need to do is to have it appraised and find out if it is indeed genuine. The problem is that almost all of the 600 or so instuments made by Antonio Stradivari are accounted for. That in combination with the fact that it is perfectly legal for any violinmaker to put a label like the one you mention inside his instruments ,as long as he doesn't try to sell the instrument as the genuine article,make it EXTREMELY unlikely that your violin is anything more than an instrument made "in the style of". That being said ,your viloin could still have substantial value.Many "copies" of Stradivari violins are themselves worth many thousands of dollars .The only way to tell for sure is to have a qualified luthier look at your instrument, again keeping in mind that the likelihood of it being a genuine Stradivari would something in the neighborhood of one in a Trillion.

What is the value of a antonius stradivarius cremonensis faciebat anno 1713?

Most of the violins are worth a price ranging from $100 to $250. The exact price will depend upon the condition of the violin. -------- The vast majority of instruments with this label are copies, most being nothing more than cheap factory made ones labeled as such but bearing no resemblance to the originals. The copies rarely are valued more than $2000 with most in the $500-1200 range. A real one is worth millions and the chance of finding a previously unknown one is extremely rare. The best way to know for sure is to have it evaluated at a violin shop. David Lashof

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I remember my first violin was a used one (though in good condition), and it came with all the necessities (such as a cleaner, and resin). It cost around $150. I'm sure you can get one for around $70 at the cheapest. But overall some violins can get pretty expensive as you require a better violin.

What is the value of an antonius stradiuarius cremonen is faciebat anno 17?

These violins are so rare that you will not find one in a store with a price tag on it. The next time an owner decides to part with such a violin, it will probably be put up for auction. The winning bidder will be the one who is willing to pay the most for it. It will probably be over a million dollars. In the meantime, if there is not one copy for sale, the answer to your question is "priceless." Numerous cheap violins were made many years ago with fake stickers inside. If you have one, it isn't worth much.

Info on violin marked Antonius Stradivarius Cremonenfis Facibat Anno 1724 with a symbol of a circle with A S in the middle.?

Generally speaking, most violins in circulation are copies of various famous designs, Strad markings/labels being the most popular simply because of the name recognition. Chances are that any violin marked as such is simply a copy, more than likely a cheap copy. Consider it a knock-off, with all of the implications. If you so desire, seek out a luthier (that's a violin-maker & fixer), who will gladly tell you what you've got on your hands. Find a music shop near you that repairs instruments - they should be able to help you. Some copies are more valuable than others, and they will be able to tell if this is the case. If it's something you are thinking of purchasing (or selling), definitely seek out a professional before talking money.

What is the value of a copy stradivarius violin?

i would say they are about $100-150 bucks...they are just cheap copies of the real deal.....but good enough to start with i guess. hope that helps.

Value of a Copy of Antonius Stradivarius made in Czechoslovakia?

I have a Copy of Antonius Stradivarius made in Czecho Slovakia around 1890ish. I got mine from my dad for my sweet 16. He bought it from a very old gentleman that had inherited it to the best of my knowledge. I have seen some listed on e-bay that look to be in good shape. They just need minor things such as bridge, strings, bow repairs, etc. Nothing you can't do yourself. As for how much they cost, I think my dad payed around 300 bucks 15 yrs ago. Happy Hunting! I am not sure of the date of my copy I bought at an antique store in the south about 10 years ago, but I paid $100. Czechoslovakia wasn't formed into a state until 1918. Your violin was made after then. If it says "copy of" it was made after 1957 when it was required to say "copy of" to avoid confusion. There are so many they are practically worthless.

Violin and it says antonius stradivarius cremonensis faclebat anno 1713 is the violin real?

Virtually all of Antonio Stradivarius' instruments that were built during what's considered his 'Golden Age' are known - either their current whereabouts or whether or not they were stolen at some point in history from the owner of the instrument. All Stradivarius instruments have provenance (it can be historically traced to the maker and previous owners). There are several Stradivari instruments that are still missing after being stolen or lost, and it's always possible to find one - one such violin was found to be in use by an amateur violinist. There of course were no charges filed, and a settlement was reached. But the best way to know is to contact the Stradivari Society. Given the small number of known Stradivari instruments (about 700) and the small number of those still missing, the odds of finding one of those missing instruments are pretty long. Since many manufacturers over the years, as well as forgers, have made copies and called them Stradivarius, it's more likely to have a copy than an original.