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Computer animation was inventid inYour mom!

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Q: When was computer animation invented?
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Related questions

What are some computer animation classes available for adults?

Some computer animation classes that are available for adults at Ryerson University include Introductory computer animation, intermediate computer animation, and advanced computer animation.

Where was Wall-E invented?

well wall-e is a character in a movie so i don't know were the computer animation was built.

What is computer assisted animation?

computer assisted animation is when you use a tween like shape or motion so that the computer does almost all the animation for you except for the additional appendages

What is shaded computer animation called?

Shaded computer animation images are known as raster graphics.

What comes to mind when you think of computer animation?

Youtube because when you think of youtube you think of computer animation. .

Is there computer programming in Computer animation?

I have only fooled around with a couple of animation software applications but they have not required me to know programming.

Explain the various techniques for animation in multimedia?

What are various techniques for animation in multimedia? Computer animation encompasses a variety of techniques on a computer. Figures are created and/or edited on the computer using 2D bitmap graphics or created and edited using 2D vector graphics. This includes automated computerized versions of traditional animation techniques such as of twining, morphing, onion skinning and interpolated rotoscoping. Some of the commonly used methods are: Analog computer animation Flash animation PowerPoint animation

Want to know about animation institutes and the future in animation?

There are lots of animation schools, both physical and online. Computer animation, especially 3D animation, has a great future.

What has the author Sean Wagstaff written?

Sean Wagstaff has written: 'Cool Mac animation' -- subject(s): Computer animation, Macintosh (Computer), Programming 'Animation on the Web' -- subject(s): Computer animation, Design, Web sites 'Macintosh 3-D workshop' -- subject(s): Computer graphics, Macintosh (Computer), Three-dimensional display systems

What did dr barnardo do as a living?

he invented animation

When was clay animation invented?

clay animation began a short time after the invention of a clay-like substance called plasticine. Plasticine was invented in 1897!

What are various techniques for animation in multimedia?

Animation refers to the motion in an object. Animation can be of two types that is 2D and 3D .There are three basic steps that are need to be followed for animation that are modeling , designing and rendering.