11 Sep 1788 in Boston, NELSON, KY. She died on 18 Apr 1820 in , NELSON, Kentucky. She was baptized into the LDS church SUBMITTED.
This information is incorrect because her patent was granted on 11-15-1898. she couldn't have been born on 09-11-1788.
November 15th 1898
i dont know get a life
Al Newman was born June 30, 1960, in Kansas City, MO, USA.
The address of the Lyda Miller Public Library is: 2609 Highway 367 S, Bald Knob, 72010 0287
he was born in new york city on april 7,1846
Some famous women inventors are Patricia Billings, the inventor of Geobond, Bette Nesmith Graham, and Mary Anderson, the inventor of windshield wipers. Other women inventors are Ruth Handler, Margaret Knight, Ann Moore, Lyda Newman, and Stephanie Kwolek, the inventor of Kevlar.
She was a black inventor who has the patent for the first hair brush in 1898.
Biography of Lyda Newman
who were lyda d newman biography Thats a odd anwswer
Yes, she is.
a hairbrush