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Alexander the great was represented as the great horn that was broken off in Daniel 8:8 and 8:21-22.

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Q: When was Alexander the great represented as the large horn brokn off?
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Who conquered a large empire that spread the Greek culture throughout the world?

Alexander the Great!

What Greek leader established a large empire that stretch from Greece to India?

Alexander the Great

What is the name of the large bronze statue that Alexander the Great had built?

The Pharos (lighthouse) of Alexandria

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What horse did Alexander the Great tame?

Alexander the Great's horse was as famous as Alexander himself. His horse was named Bucephalus, meaning ox-head. Bucephalus was a large black horse with a white star on his brow.

What was the important reason for alexanders ability to build such a large empire?

Alexander the great was able to build such a large and expansive empire because of his warfare strategy. Alexander the Great was able to defeat any enemy that crossed his path, which allowed him to conquer all of the countries he entered and add them to his empire.

How large approximately was the empire of Alexander the Great?

From Egypt to the middle of Asia . . . about 3,000 miles . . . about the size of the continental U.S.

What else was Alexander the Great accomplished?

Aside from conquering a very large empire, he also popularized the practice of shaving.

What large city in Egypt was named after a the great conqueror from Macedonia?

Th great conqueror from the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia in northern Greece was Alexander the Great. Alexandria is the Egyptian city named after him.

What three large monarchies were formed from Alexander the Great's empire?

There were several, which were eventually consolidated into Egypt, Syria-Mesopotamia, Pergamon, and Macedonia.

What general left Greece and conquered many lands creating a large empire including 16 cities named after himself?

Alexander the Great.

What is conquerors?

A conqueror is a person who takes control, usually by force, of a people or place. One example was Alexander the great. He conquered a large area of people and places in the 4th century BC.